Question Random game crash, mouse stutter and slow response ?


Nov 29, 2019
I am not quite sure where to put this question but recently I have been playing the First Descendant with no issues the past few weeks and in the past two days I had a random thing happen.

My game freezes and I had to bring up task manager via keyboard because the mouse was stuttering and slow response it wouldn't even let me click anything.

When I closed the game via Keyboard the mouse is just slowly stuttering across screen and not allowing me to click anything.

I have had to hard reset the computer then everything works fine. I checked Memtest overnight and it passed fine on memory. I also updated the Nvidia Driver not to latest but the one before which fixed heavy crashing from past driver issues.

Not sure where to put this. My temperature seemed fine I did see my CPU with First Descendant open go to 70C and I have a stream open on other screen I am watching but 99% of the time it is never an issue. Also Discord is open.

Not quite sure where to look. I would rather not have to open up my computer to take off the annoying CPU Cooler if I can avoid it. I cleaned out the computer like two weeks ago of dust.


Update your post to include full hardware specs and OS information.

Look in Reliability History/Monitor and Event Viewer for any logged entries just before or at the time of the game freezes.

Source for First Descendant?


Nov 29, 2019
Can you tell me how to show Full hardware Specs & OS information? First Descendant Is a game on Steam...

The problem randomly occurs. Like I play a game, have a stream playing on other stream, while talking to friends in discord...Everything will be fine for hours then I just randomly game Freezes and when I go to task manager My mouse is not even on screen or moving when I move it around I have to use my keyboard to navigate Task Manager and Shut down but when I do The mouse isn't present or working.

I have also noticed the only time my screen usually goes black is if I am Streaming a movie through Firefox for my friends in discord, While Gaming and the fans will kick up and the screen will go black...and I am forced to hard restart.

My buddy told me it might be my power supply so he told me to swap the cables into different open unused plugs which I did.

This started like a month or two ago.

Current CPU-Z info
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Nov 29, 2019
The problem seems like when I am Streaming a movie in discord on second monitor, playing game on main screen. I never had issues before the past two months. The problem started when I was just playing D4 and just streaming a movie on second screen my screen turned black, my fans kicked up and I had to hard restart. I updated my Video Card Drivers to latest which helped but the problem started occuring more now only when I try to stream while gaming in discord.

The problem seems to happen more when I try to stream a movie through Chrome/Firefox and share my screen through Discord on second monitor while I play my game on main monitor. It has never been a major issue til about one to two months. Sorry if the wording of this post is a little hit or miss just explaining my issue.

My game freezes and I had to bring up task manager via keyboard because the mouse was stuttering and slow response it wouldn't even let me click anything.

When I closed the game via Keyboard the mouse is just slowly stuttering across screen and not allowing me to click anything or sometimes mouse is not even on screen or showing.

I have had to hard reset the computer then everything works fine. I checked Memtest overnight and it passed fine on memory. I also updated the Nvidia Driver not to latest but the one before which fixed heavy crashing from past driver issues.

Not sure where to put this. My temperature seemed fine I did see my CPU with First Descendant open go to 70C and I have a stream open on other screen I am watching but 99% of the time it is never an issue. Also Discord is open.

Not quite sure where to look. I would rather not have to open up my computer to take off the annoying CPU Cooler if I can avoid it. I cleaned out the computer like two weeks ago of dust.

Can you tell me how to show Full hardware Specs & OS information?

The problem randomly occurs. Like I play a game, have a stream playing on other stream, while talking to friends in discord...Everything will be fine for hours then I just randomly game Freezes and when I go to task manager My mouse is not even on screen or moving when I move it around I have to use my keyboard to navigate Task Manager and Shut down but when I do The mouse isn't present or working.

I have also noticed the only time my screen usually goes black is if I am Streaming a movie through Firefox for my friends in discord, While Gaming and the fans will kick up and the screen will go black...and I am forced to hard restart.

My buddy told me it might be my power supply so he told me to swap the cables into different open unused plugs which I did.

I also scanned for viruses with Malwarebytes & SuperAntiSpyware and found nothing...I did a Clean install of Latest Nvidia Driver for my 2080Ti, I also did a Memtest for 4hrs I let run overnight and found no issues. I have the latest BIOs I updated last year and I haven't seen any new updates for it. I also checked task manager when I was playing First Descendant and it said That CPU usage for it was 70-85% use and GPU was 1%-10% and I heard it was because it is poorly optimized. I was told to go into windows settings and make the .exe run at High performance and I checked again and then it looked like GPU was being used but I haven't had much time to play game and see if it still occurs. Also I did a chkdsk and found no errors.

This started like a month or two ago. On Sept 1st I was playing Risk of Rain 2 with my friends and I alt + Tab to use calculator and went back to game and screen froze on main Monitor and my other monitor had a stream playing fine on second screen but my computer became unresponsive so I had to hard restart.

CPU-Z & Event Viewer.
Current CPU-Z info
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Can you tell me how to show Full hardware Specs & OS information?
Many ways.

E.g HWinfo64,

Summary mode shows sys specs. Sensors mode shows all sensor telemetry.

For OS version: hold down Windows key and press R. New window pops up, called "Run". In the box, type
and press Enter/click OK. "Run" window automatically closes, "About Windows" window pops up. There the info about OS is.

My buddy told me it might be my power supply so he told me to swap the cables into different open unused plugs which I did.
Not that far fetched. Could be underlying culprit. Though, swapping power cables into another PSU slot does nothing.

Speaking of PSU;
PSU make and model (or part number) is? Also, how old the PSU is, and was the PSU bought new or used/refurbished?

I would rather not have to open up my computer to take off the annoying CPU Cooler if I can avoid it.
CPU cooler can remain, but you won't get away without opening the PC. E.g for one, to look what PSU you actually have, if you don't know it already. Also, component replacement could be in order, depending how following troubleshooting steps go.

Speaking of following troubleshooting steps;
Does your screen go black in Safe Mode as well? Or is everything fine there?



I bought it brand new and it is about Four years old. Never have any issues so far.
Right, the underdog of EVGA SuperNova G-series, the G5 unit.

It is based on an FSP platform, that uses an ACRF (Active Clamp Reset Forward) topology. A budget platform, that EVGA has tried to make good of, but when foundation (platform) is poor to begin with, one can not make good out of it. At best, this is mediocre quality PSU.

And just because you haven't had issues thus far, doesn't mean there shouldn't be any issues coming.
But i digress.

Have you tried what i asked you at the end of my reply? Namely:
Does your screen go black in Safe Mode as well? Or is everything fine there?


Nov 29, 2019
It only happens when I am streaming a web browser Chrome/Firefox, While I am playing a gaming, and Streaming my Screen through Discord (This is always what causes it but it isn't instant sometimes it will be a long while before it goes black screen.

My buddies can also here me talking through my headset when My screens are black and fans are spinning but I always have to do a hard reset of windows to get back.

I am not quite sure how to even access safe mode but like I said it only happens when I am Streaming through Discord to my friends while playing a game. I was playing a game the other day and just watching a stream on my other monitor while I was gaming and my screen froze until I hard reset but I wasn't streaming my screen through discord that time.


I am not quite sure how to even access safe mode
Guide on how to get into Safe Mode,

but like I said it only happens when I am Streaming through Discord to my friends while playing a game.
You've said it many, MANY times already. Saying it once is enough. You just saying the symptoms over and over again doesn't make them go away.

To put it short, you have either software issue or hardware issue.
Which one exactly, well, further troubleshooting needs to be done, to narrow things down.

But if you do not want to narrow things down, i can tell you two main culprits right away and we can call it a day. So, which one is it?
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I got into Safe mode fine but didn't know how to test if the problem happens in safe mode.
You can go into Safe Mode with Networking enabled, so that you can access internet. Once there, launch your web browser or Discord and try the streaming, to see if screen blacks out again.

In safe mode, GPU drivers aren't used. Instead Win default drivers are used. So, resolution may be smaller than normal. Also, you can't play games on safe mode, but you should be able to stream and troubleshoot the issue.

So, try out safe mode again and try do do your level best to recreate the issue in safe mode.
If nothing happens and system works fine, then most likely, issue is with 3rd party software (including GPU drivers), which is otherwise disabled in safe mode.


Mar 24, 2023
It only happens when I am streaming a web browser Chrome/Firefox, While I am playing a gaming, and Streaming my Screen through Discord (This is always what causes it but it isn't instant sometimes it will be a long while before it goes black screen.

My buddies can also here me talking through my headset when My screens are black and fans are spinning but I always have to do a hard reset of windows to get back.

I am not quite sure how to even access safe mode but like I said it only happens when I am Streaming through Discord to my friends while playing a game. I was playing a game the other day and just watching a stream on my other monitor while I was gaming and my screen froze until I hard reset but I wasn't streaming my screen through discord that time.
What are CPU and GPU temperatures when you are doing the typical things that are precursors to your problem?


Nov 29, 2019
I will get to trying out the safe mode when I get back home but running First Descendant, Streaming Netflix on second monitor I opened task manager and it showed this. I will add more to this post when I get it. Thanks for help so far.

:Update: So I tried in safe mode streaming in discord and everything seems fine.

Seems like I can Stream through discord & do general tasks with no issues but when I play any game it will happen. Just randomly started happening like two months ago. When I play a movie through netflix on one screen and Game there isn't really an issue aside some maybe some frame drops but never crashes or if it does it is extremely rare

I did check the Reliability history on last crash last night and it showed I believe it was called dwm.exe.

I just wish I could see my task manager when the screen goes black to see what is the issue is. Looks like the CPU seems a bit high while the GPU stays low 0-10% on average. So I am guessing it has to do with software where the CPU will spike to 100% and then shut off to protect itself but I don't want to assume anything.

Streaming through Discord, Chrome/Firefox streaming source, Gaming First Descendant

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So, no further testing with Safe Mode?

Also, it looks like something is wrong with GPU drivers, among other software issues.

In hopes to fix GPU drivers issue;

1. Download new GPU driver (if you're running latest version, still download the installer). Use manual search and you do not need GeForce Experience.
2. Download DDU. Link:
2. Uninstall GPU drivers.
3. Reboot the PC.
4. Run DDU and clean all lingering GPU drivers.
5. Reboot the PC.
6. Install new GPU drives.

This is a clean wipe of GPU drives. It may fix your issue. So, give it a go.
If it fixes the issue - good. If not, there are further software wise troubleshooting steps you can do.


Nov 29, 2019
I wiped my Nvidia Driver and reinstalled today and it seems like so far so good.. I tried streaming my gameplay through Discord as I played the game with no issue aside from frame drops which was a discord issue that I clicked experimental check box in options and my friend said it was good..

Feels like I had to uninstall Nvidia driver not once but twice and reinstalled and so far so good will try more when I get time. Thank you for the help so far.


Nov 29, 2019
I didn't do the DDU I just did a clean install both times... I was going to see if I had any issues I just haven't had the time. Do you think I should DDU Uninstall and then reinstall a third time? Or should I try recreating the issue before doing it to see it to problem persists?


It wouldn't hurt doing the DDU as well, since there's no telling if GPU is recoverable 3rd time around. Corrupt (or otherwise bad) drivers can actually damage the GPU, e.g mess up the VRAM. And then, only fix would be GPU replacement.

So, you tell me, do you want to risk it?
Replacing GPU isn't that hard, though it costs quite a bit. But DDU doesn't cost you anything. Maybe 5-10 mins to do all of it.