So I've been looking to build a gaming PC for years now and never had the funds to do so well this year i did and i built my system about 2 weeks ago, I set the 5ghz oc button on in the bios did a little tweaking and was stable at 5ghz for 2 weeks now. Yesterday it started randomly power cycling I have a red led on the CPU light on the motherboard eventhough she still boots for about 5-30 mins till it power cycles a few times.
CPU voltage was always on auto I tried 1.35 and it ran but still did power cycle after 20 mins should I add more voltage or dial my OC down I hit 80c during uingine benchmark but that was the highest it idles at about 35 to 38c. Just don't understand why it's randomly cycling, I can leave it in the bios for an hour or 2 and it's fine. Also all the parts were bought recently except the motherboard I bought it last year brand new was still sealed before I set it up.
I7 8700k
Corsair h100i pro
Asus prime z370-a
16gb trident z ram 3000
Zotac 1070 mini(dual fan wife bought the wrong one couldn't return it lol)
1tb ssd
2tb hdd
Any help is much appreciated thankyou
CPU voltage was always on auto I tried 1.35 and it ran but still did power cycle after 20 mins should I add more voltage or dial my OC down I hit 80c during uingine benchmark but that was the highest it idles at about 35 to 38c. Just don't understand why it's randomly cycling, I can leave it in the bios for an hour or 2 and it's fine. Also all the parts were bought recently except the motherboard I bought it last year brand new was still sealed before I set it up.
I7 8700k
Corsair h100i pro
Asus prime z370-a
16gb trident z ram 3000
Zotac 1070 mini(dual fan wife bought the wrong one couldn't return it lol)
1tb ssd
2tb hdd
Any help is much appreciated thankyou