Question Random Restart Persists even after Extensive Troubleshooting-- MB issue?

Jun 20, 2024
Hi everyone,

I've been experiencing intermittent system restarts every 4-5 days on my Alienware Aurora R10, along with occasional temperature spikes on CCD #0, sometimes hitting 91.3°C. Despite extensive troubleshooting, I haven't been able to resolve the issue.

System Specs:​

  • OS: Windows 11 Home, Version 10.0.22631 Build 22631
  • Processor: AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16-Core Processor
  • Memory: 128 GB RAM
  • BIOS Version: Alienware 2.8.0, 3/27/2024
  • Motherboard: Alienware 0TYR0X (A00)
  • Cooling: Liquid cooling system

Steps Taken:​

  1. Replaced PSU - Computer hasn't restarted for a few days after replacement.
  2. Checked and Updated BIOS - Currently running the latest version.
  3. Reseated RAM and USB Connections - Ensured all connections are firm.
  4. Cleaned and Reapplied Thermal Paste - Both CPU and GPU have new thermal paste applied, and deep cleaning done.
  5. Ran Diagnostics:
    • sfc /scannow - No integrity violations found.
    • DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth - Completed successfully.
  6. Lowered CPU Voltage - Adjusted in Alienware Command Center to 1.1V.
  7. Monitored Temps - CCD #0 still spikes occasionally despite new thermal paste.
  8. Replaced CMOS battery
  9. Tested Ram, GPU, CPU -- All passed
  10. Inspected Motherboard - Didn't see any obvious signs of corrosion or bulging capacitors etc.


  • Low Voltage Readings - Noted in software reports, but understand these can be inaccurate.
  • Restart on USB Device Removal - Computer restarted when unplugging webcam from USB port.


  1. Given the extensive steps taken, do you think the motherboard is the likely culprit?
  2. Could the low voltage readings and temperature spikes be indicative of a motherboard failure?
  3. Are there any additional diagnostics or steps you would recommend?

    My current plan is to upgrade motherboard and also upgrade liquid cooling system.
I appreciate any insights or suggestions to help resolve these persistent issues. My main concern is I replace the MB and doesn't resolve the issue.


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Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

Does your temps go down if you take the side panel off and then aim a fan at the board/innards? Your issue might very well be the measly 120mm AIO that's at the top. People who are running a Ryzen 5950x in a system that's built from the ground up, use a 360mm to cool that processor.


Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

Does your temps go down if you take the side panel off and then aim a fan at the board/innards? Your issue might very well be the measly 120mm AIO that's at the top. People who are running a Ryzen 5950x in a system that's built from the ground up, use a 360mm to cool that processor.
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Jun 20, 2024
Great idea-- testing out now to see if it will still spike that high.

I guess I should just go ahead and upgrade the fan regardless. That was my next step and sounds like it needs to be upgraded anyway. I was going to choose the Corsair iCUE H150i ELITE CAPELLIX -- unless you have a better suggestion.

Thanks for the advice so far-- really appreciated!
Jun 20, 2024
Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

Does your temps go down if you take the side panel off and then aim a fan at the board/innards? Your issue might very well be the measly 120mm AIO that's at the top. People who are running a Ryzen 5950x in a system that's built from the ground up, use a 360mm to cool that processor.
Haven't had a restart since I put fan on it and pretty sure it was the fan. Issue with this R10 case it its just a single fan and need to find a 360mm fan to that'll fit and cool it.

Thanks again for the suggestion!
Jun 20, 2024

So update. First few weeks of using fan its helped alot but now I'm getting computer freezing and going to BSOD with Hypervisor error. Given the context-- anyone have any ideas of what the issue is? My guess is MB since its giving low voltage readings on HW Monitor. I'm going to monitor CCD #0 temp and see if its still spiking.

Also upgrading the fan to a NZXT Kraken 120 - RL-KR120-B1 - AIO RGB CPU liquid cooler

My guess would be voltage issue is causing temp spikes if the new fan doesn't solve issue.
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