Random spike to 100% disk usage


Nov 17, 2013
So I'm having a problem with my HDD where it is using 100% of the disk according to my task manager and the odd thing is I had the exact same problem with my last HDD making me buy the new one which has got the exact new problem as of today.

When disk usage hits 100% games pause and freeze, my apps just stop responding for a few seconds and the issue gets worse as time goes on.

What the hell is causing this problem on 2 different HDD's I've owned and I have formatted my new HDD when I bought it too!
computer spec?

you have task manager > resource window open to see what program is using the disk at the time? even if your computer freezes, when it unfreezes the monitor will still show you briefly what caused it.
If no program caused this, then you start looking at hardware.

I cant send an image because the drives steadily getting worse. It lists nornal programs like chrome and even when I shut everthing if I boot up a program that hogs up my disk usage. Im getting really annoyed as something on my PC is killing my Hard Drives. Not my SSD tho.
hope you got a nice juicy 450w psu to be sure its not a power issue.

the 270x has 2GB vram? if youre playing recent titles or fpshooters on high+ settings then you could be capping your vram, forcing your overflow to your computer = mega lags. have you tried your games on minimum settings? and also hope your hard drive has at least 30GB free space.

I have a 550w PSU, I know it's not a GPU related issue it IS related to my HDD and I have 660GB of free space.
the fact it affects 2 different HDDS means its not a HDD caused issue, the 'effect is' HDD 100% access. The cause is something else. IF it was caused by the HDD then it wouldnt surface after replacement.

You are using a bare windows install? no other programs installed (obv an antivirus)?
does the issue happen with just windows installed?
install 1 program at a time, and use it for a day or 2, then install another.
once you got a misbehaving computer, uninstall offending program.

This would be easier if you could use the resource monitor to tell you what was using your HDD. I dont want to take you as a beginner, but you do set the resource monitor to decending disk activity, so the highest use program will jump to the top of the list? if during the excessive disk activity a program jumps upto 90%+ that program is the offender. kill it, delete it, never use it again.

I did lot of digging through my files and trying to find out the process causing it. Problems been solved now that Ive disabled a process called CompatTelRunner.exe through my resource manager. I have no idea why this app alone was bringing my HDD to its knees.