Random White screen appears on windows 7



Hi there this is my first time post,
I have recently installed windows 7 professional on my pc: Packard bell, amd 64, 1gb ram. I have been using it for 1day now and I keep getting a White screen that appears and I cannot get rid of it, all functions are disabled, no bios or anything so I have to restart the pc have tried cleaning the CPU if dust but nothing happens, is this a problem with my graphics card and the fact that win 7 is higher spec? If it is a graphics card problem please recommend a good card to purchase-I am not a gamer so I don't need anything high spec just enough to run win7 and basic programs.
I can get into windows fine the boot up is completely normal it looks like nothing is wring and the os seems fairly fast but then after say 15mins it just goes White with thin grey lines in sequence down the screen.
Full stats:
Packard Bell NEC PB13315201
Win 7 Professional 32bit
2.20ghz AMD Athlon 64
250gb HD
Standard VGA Graphics Adapter (My card is an ATI) but cannot find exact details
Hope this helps :)
ok will try that thanks, but i think i do need another one anyway cos ive looked in the pc and its an ATI IXP 400 with 60mb which wont even runa screen saver on win7 🙁 lol
can you recommend a good card to get?
does your motherboard have a PCIE slot?


or it's more like ...


if it has a PCIE get this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814102843&cm_re=4650-_-14-102-843-_-Product

if it has AGP ( second picture ) get this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814102851&cm_re=4650_agp-_-14-102-851-_-Product

both are more than enough for 1080p video and even light gaming