Raspberry Pi Pens Wolfram Partnership for Free Mathematica

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Gawdsakes button yo knickers. Perhaps 13% of all humans **CAN** program and roughly SQr-root want to ... that is 3% of the student population can+will program. Anything. Anytime. Anywhere.

'Course no denying pervo educators & the mutant slice --- raspberry-Pi may well fill that 3% niche ... though 9-yo kids are prolly far better off out terrorizing turtles and robbins in the local wood-lot.
Surely the pcb's of modern smartphones are cheaper to produce. Have more processing power including graphics and use less electricity.

You have to wonder if companies like Apple or Samsung will ever deign to give the designs for the older models away for good causes like this.

I mean both the original iPhone and the Galaxy S should be able to kick this thing's butt.
"We believe this will make the Pi a first-class platform for teaching CBM techniques"

Where CBM is something so well known that it needs no explanation.

For anyone wondering, its Coal Bed Methane, and Wolfram turns your Raspberry Pi into a fracking excellent mining tool.

Hmmm, maybe not, after all the article does mention teaching children. It must be Comic Book Movies. Plenty of maths there.
I could guess, based on article, that CBM = Computer Based Math

In fact, googling that out turns: http://www.computerbasedmath.org/
I for one quite happy with this announcement. Obviously, there are many different people using the Pi for different purposes. We need more people to be thinkers and innovators when it comes to technology and to that end the most important purpose of the Pi is to inspire to learn more about computers in general. It's only the luddites that it's too complicated or give up in frustration because they can't figure it out five minutes flat.
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