As mentioned in the article, the chickens aren't always going to automatically already be IN the coop at the time you might have the timer set for, and if you have it set late enough that they WILL for certain already be in there, then it's already past the time when predators might have already been prowling around. So you might either end up with chickens that are locked out of the coop, or a closing time that really doesn't eliminate potential problems.
I guess if going out to dinner is more important than making sure the chickens are put up first, then they aren't all that important to you. And for the record, I grew up and lived a good deal of my life on a farm and ranch environment, plus have owned chickens (Some of which were very expensive) even in my in-town life as an adult, so I'm quite aware of many of the concerns regarding these operations. But if it works for you (Or whoever) then that's great. I have no disagreements against using solutions that work for you at all. I just think that "in general" it's kind of lazy. But it's not my chickens or my operation, so it really doesn't matter what I think.
I can certainly see some situations where it might definitely be beneficial though now that you mention it, like for example if you have a few chickens, not enough to really require any "hands" on the property beyond the owners, in the even they were to need to leave on vacation or something and only have somebody stopping by during the day for a quick check and throw some feed, etc. So yeah, I can see some usefulness I guess.