Razer Blade 14 VS. Dell XPS 15 - Need Help!

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Nov 17, 2013
Hey guys, so I've asked a lot of questions with regards to my laptop search lately. But I've narrowed it down to these two. I watched a lot of comparisons and such, but would like your input.

I need help deciding which to get here. I know the Razer Blade is more dedicated towards gaming, and the XPS is more of an 'all around' laptop, but I'm not sure.

I'm going to be doing schoolwork, watching movies, streaming videos, and doing general web browsing on the laptop. When I saw a review, I saw that the reviewer said that the Razer Blade has a bit of an edge on the XPS' screen, saying that it was a bit more crisp and just a little bit better in general. Now that is very important to me as I want the best screen I can get, but I also don't like that the Razer Blade is only 14 inches, while the XPS is 15.6. So I'm not sure what to chose. I will also be a doing a SMALL amount of gaming on it when traveling, but only on Minecraft, no FPS games as I have a very good desktop rig.

So do any of you have any opinions? Should I go with the Blade and have a little bit of an edge on the screen quality, but only have 14 inches? Or is the Dell screen also going to blow me away, while being 15.6? Again, going to be watching movies, streaming youtube videos, general web browsing, schoolwork, and only Minecraft. Thanks!
If you're just going to be playing light games like minecraft, just go with a cheaper laptop. A 500$ laptop can play minecraft pretty decently on integrated graphics. You probably can play minecraft decently on a 400$ laptop.

The reason I'm buy a laptop is not just Minecraft.. I said that is the only game for the most part I will be playing. There are many reasons as to why I've narrowed my two choices down to these two, I'm just asking what your guys' opinion is on which is the better computer for me based on my needs and uses for it. Thanks.
If you're doing some rendering stuff as school work, then it's more justifiable. But, if you have to choose between those two, go with blade if you absolutely need the screen quality, the smaller screen with the same resolution does output a better image. The xps outputs the same resolution though. I'd say just go with the cheaper of the two. At that resolution, everything should be pretty clear anyways.

I just look at minecraft as an assumption that that'll probably be the heaviest thing you'll be doing. Apologies if that was a bad assumption.
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