[SOLVED] Razer Blade 15 just died.

Steven Villarreal

May 26, 2014
Hi, I bought a Razer Blade 15 with the RTX 2070 not to long ago and today I was installing the Epic Games store but it froze and gave me the blue screen of death. I figured, "ah whatever" and restarted the laptop. To my surprise, the laptop booted to the bios and for some reason under "Boot" the ssd didn't appear. I literally just bought and installed a new ssd last week so it couldn't have been that. After some 20 minutes just restarting and rebooting into bios with not avail to get the ssd to pop up I decided I would re-seat the ssd as I was at my friends house and the only screwdriver to open it was at my house. I got home and within 5 minutes I heard a humming noise and thought it was my heater or ac system downstairs (yes it was that loud) but to my shock it was the laptop! I immediatley pulled it out of the case and it was burning hot all around and it was stuck in the bios like frozen and it was super hot to the touch like burning hot. For some reason the keyboard was still able to switch colors but that was it. I tried holding down the power button but that did not work. I honestly thought that it was going to blow up. After some 7ish minutes it turned off and I gave it like 10 minutes before I would attempt to restart and open the laptop. Once time was up I turned it on and it booted up to the razer logo and then it died. I pressed the power button again and it did it again but died much quicker (like 2 seconds after showing the black screen with the white razer logo). I decided to open up the laptop and see if there was any burning smells and inspect to see if everything was all right. There was no smells but there was some discoloration on the battery, like a darkish spot or two on the battery it self like inside it underneath the black covering. I think it must be the battery but I found it highly unusual that the ssd didn't show up on the boot option in the bios some 30 minutes ago but I don't know. What do you guys think happened to my laptop? Was it the battery or something else?
Sounds like something overheated, you said the laptop was hot out of the case. Sounds like the system was still on or turned on while it was in the case, that would cause it to overheat. I've actually seen someone do that more than once at work, they take out the laptop to show me some issue and the thing was very hot, they stuck it in the bag either on or in sleep mode and it woke up inside the bag, with no ventilation it basically cooks itself. With systems with internal batteries (almost all of them now) that is doubly worse since it causes the battery to get very hot and fail which can create even more heat.

If it's in warranty contact Razer support.
Sounds like something overheated, you said the laptop was hot out of the case. Sounds like the system was still on or turned on while it was in the case, that would cause it to overheat. I've actually seen someone do that more than once at work, they take out the laptop to show me some issue and the thing was very hot, they stuck it in the bag either on or in sleep mode and it woke up inside the bag, with no ventilation it basically cooks itself. With systems with internal batteries (almost all of them now) that is doubly worse since it causes the battery to get very hot and fail which can create even more heat.

If it's in warranty contact Razer support.
So I did some testing on the laptop today and I did finally come to the conclusion that it was the battery that malfunctioned. Prior to this happening I got a few blue screen of death messages on the laptop but didn't think anything of it but since it did over heat and just die out of the blue I decided to open the laptop and unplug the battery and see if it will at least power on if it is plugged into the wall charger. To my shock, it actually powered on and functioned normally. Yesterday when it happened it got so hot and so loud when it froze up I for sure thought it was going to catch fire or at least burst or something. But I did order a new battery and hopefully it will not happen again but I am kind of certain it will happen again unless it was just a faulty battery.
So I did some testing on the laptop today and I did finally come to the conclusion that it was the battery that malfunctioned. Prior to this happening I got a few blue screen of death messages on the laptop but didn't think anything of it but since it did over heat and just die out of the blue I decided to open the laptop and unplug the battery and see if it will at least power on if it is plugged into the wall charger. To my shock, it actually powered on and functioned normally. Yesterday when it happened it got so hot and so loud when it froze up I for sure thought it was going to catch fire or at least burst or something. But I did order a new battery and hopefully it will not happen again but I am kind of certain it will happen again unless it was just a faulty battery.

Did you check with Razer support if the battery was still in warranty? It's probably not very cheap so paying for one vs getting a free replacement should be checked.