bystander :
naihan wrote:
Don't underestimate the power of these things in RPGs ladies and gents. They're deplorable for anything where the main actions are done on your mouse (FPS, Skyrim, ETC), but for games like WoW, Guild Wars 2, and Dragon Age, it's IMPOSSIBLE to go back after you've used it for a while. It feels so natural.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with them for any of those games. It just takes the place of the keyboard. The thumb stick takes the place the WASD keys. The only types of games I don't use this type of keypad (using the G13 atm, have used the Nostromo in the past) is strategy games.
I kinda like the idea of using a stick instead of WASD for movement, though IDK how well that would work for strafe jumping in Quake Live.
I did get a Cyber Snipa Game Pad V2 years ago before I switched to a mechanical keyboard, much cheaper and works really well for FPS. Sometimes you have to push the buttons a bit harder than you naturally would, but works great for strafe jumping because buttons don't travel nearly as far as keys. It's very similar to the gamepad on the Steel Series Merc, not sure how it compares.