Hello all, I built my computer about 18 months ago. The specs are listed below. Recently, I was unable to boot the computer. I have removed and reseated all the components using different SATA ports for the SSD, HDD storage and CD ROM drives. So I’m not sure which component is causing the problem. I suspect it is the SSD because the mobo detects both the HDD storage drive and the CD ROM regardless of which port they are connected to, including the one the SSD was on. I have already RMA’ed the SSD and am waiting for the replacement.
When the replacement comes and if the mobo doesn’t detect the new SSD I will then assume it’s the mobo and replace that. Correct?
My next question.
If I need to replace the mobo will I have to purchase a new Windows 7 installation disk?
Thanks all!!!
When the replacement comes and if the mobo doesn’t detect the new SSD I will then assume it’s the mobo and replace that. Correct?
My next question.
If I need to replace the mobo will I have to purchase a new Windows 7 installation disk?
Thanks all!!!