Rebate warning for Tigerdirect customers


Feb 24, 2007
Do not fall for Rebate Scams!!

It is obvious that Tigerdirect makes a killing offering large rebates to lure customers into believing that they will save money from making purchases here.

I suppose that would be true if they actually paid these rebates! If you actually follow the very strict rules and meet all of the requirements to qualify for the rebate - than they simply refuse to pay - blaming everyone else involved until you get so aggravated you stop asking for it.

Beware of rebate offers - consider yourself extremely lucky if you have ever received one of these checks - you are one of the few lucky ones!!
I have received every one of the rebates I have submitted (~20) and only one have I not gotten back and that was one from TigerDirect. Not sure if they are always bad about it though.
Although we have had one or two rebates sent by them we are still trying to get them to pay a refund for shipping costs that they said they would pay. I have posted another message regarding this in this forum.

They sold us a piece of garbage mobo and cpu that were not compatible and they knew that when they shipped it (when I rang the cpu company they knew immediately it was regarding TigerDirect without me even mentioning them).

Although they eventually refunded the cost of the goods - only after I launched a PAYPAL complaint - they are still stalling on the refund of the shipping costs. Its a matter of principal that we shall continue to request that money until they honour their word.

We shall never deal with them again. They are not reputable.