recently installed msi gtx 970 and pc shuts down while playing games.


Jun 11, 2015
Hello tom's hardware community!
I recently bought a gpu (msi gtx 970 4g) and after installing it, I tried playing Fallout 4 and H1Z1. After about 1h of playing Fallout 4 and 2 minutes of playing H1Z1, my PC shuts down completely and reboots with this screen:

(Note: This image is not from me but it displays the same message)

This is the numbers appearing on my monitoring app while in game (H1Z1)

(Note: the GPU fan kicked in seconds after and rolls around 947 rpm.)

My rig:

- Corsair Vengeance Series C70 High Airflow Mid-Tower Case ATX 3X5.25 6X3.5INT 2XUSB3.0 No PS Black

- ElitePSU:Azza Alpha 700w PSAZ-700C12

- Intel core i7-3770k cpu @ 3.50GHz, 3501 MHz, 4 cores, 8 processors.

- Motherboard Asus p8z77-v lx

- MSI GTX 970 4g

- 16g G Skill Ripjaws (4 x 4g)

- 1TB HD

- 120g SSD

- Razer keyboard and mouse (not much relevant but maybe good to know for PSU issues)

- Probably forgot something but I doubt it matters.

What I've tried so far:

- Updated all my drivers.
- Updated my motherboard's bios driver.
- Cleaned my case (which made me realize one of my case's fan isn't working).
- Uninstalled GeForce Experience.

Anyone knows what I could try next? Or ideally know what the problem is?

Thanks in advance!

P.S. Sorry if I made any grammar/etc mistakes; English isn't my native language.

UPDATE: I've noticed a pitch noise coming from the PSU, thought it was from the GPU at first but I was wrong.
Sounds like a crappy PSU. That brand doesn't have much on it, but haven't found too many good reviews about it.

It was probably ok with your old GPU as it wasn't as powerful, but now that the PSU is being pushed a bit, it's showing it true colors. Getting power supply surges at the BIOS warning has nothing to do with drivers or anything else, it's the PSU not handling the power well.

For now yes, I installed it yesterday and haven't got much time to test other games. I played 2-3 League of Legends games without any problems.

Have you tried running the games with V-sync on? I ask this because V-sync will limit your frames, limiting the power used by the GPU.

No I haven't, and as updated ive noticed a pitch noise coming from the PSU when playing games with heavy graphics.

Update: Now I did and I still hear the pitch noise coming from the PSU

The more load on the power supply, the less efficiency it has. Coil whine isn't a bad sign, but at least we know that your power supply could possibly be the problem. Please try V-sync to limit the power used by your graphics card and see if you can bench longer.
Sounds like a crappy PSU. That brand doesn't have much on it, but haven't found too many good reviews about it.

It was probably ok with your old GPU as it wasn't as powerful, but now that the PSU is being pushed a bit, it's showing it true colors. Getting power supply surges at the BIOS warning has nothing to do with drivers or anything else, it's the PSU not handling the power well.

Tried H1Z1 with vsync on and I got the same result: Shuts down after 1min

Bummer, I was suspecting the PSU but I wasn't sure. Just bought the GPU and now I don't have any money left (at least for while) to buy another PSU... huuuuuuuuuuuuge bummer

I thought 700w was decent enough for a GTX 970?

Oh, well PSU's aren't as expensive as I thought/last looked them up. Would you have any suggestions for a low cost decent PSU? I live in Quebec, Canada so I pretty much order from NCIX, TigerDirect and NewEgg.

I`ve found this which is a Gold one and looks pretty decent for a 120$ PSU (with mail-in rebate)