Recommend a sound/ video card driver upgrade


Jul 17, 2017
Despite the fact that I'm nearly 45, I love games both online and offline. So I jumped at the opportunity to obtain The Sims 2 as well as 5 Expansion packs at a garage sale.I installed it onto my newly acquired used HP laptop, also a garage sale find ($5,!) To my dismay my driver's are apparently outdated and the new game insists I ought to update them. I have no idea how or where to find such a suitable/trustworthy item. Please help. Thank you.
If you want the easy way out, just install Driver Booster 4 and let it scan all drivers for an update. But I wouldn't install the gpu driver this way. Just go to AMD/Nvidia website and download the respective driver for your gpu (and OS version).


Jul 17, 2017
Ok I'm not up on terminology. .. I know what a CPU is, but wth is a GPU. I get that it is what identifies my computer, but what exactly? OS I understand. Sorry, I spend more time playing games on my computer and trying to undo my mistakes on them than keeping up with the useful information

CPU - Central Processing Unit ; GPU- Graphics Processing Unit. Those are just some of the processors inside a computer, other being chipset, audio, ehternet and various controllers. There are two main discrete GPU manufacturers for pc: AMD and Nvidia. AMD and Intel also make integrated gpus in some of their cpu designs but those are not really meant for gaming. Drivers are needed for the GPUs (and other devices that require drivers) to function optimally.