
Mar 17, 2009
I'm interested in building my first Computer but am a little lost on what parts to get and was hoping someone could give me a cheat sheet so I can be on my way :p

It's mostly going to be used for Video Editing,PhotoShop, Basic Office Apps, and the occasional Sims game.

Budget - Sub $1000 (Pref Under $800)

6 Gigs Ram Minimal
500 Gig HD
Burn CD's/ DVD's
Quiet Operation
No Bling Necessary
8 USB Ports

Additional Items: Optical Mouse,Standard Keyboard,

Also I'd like to have the option of displaying Streaming movies from Computer to TV if possible. Would that be S - Video?

Any recommended Software for Video Editing / MP3 creation?

Need to replace this system ASAP there's a slight odor emitting from the tower and a whizzing sound. I've cracked it open and the system is totally clean, but I think it may be the processor or electrical wires. Not bad for a Cheap Dell, lasted three years with only 512mb memory...I've put it through hell and it did things it was never built to do. LOL


Dec 24, 2008
I like MykC's build as it will be better for video editing and will last longer than a core 2 or PII build. Only changes I would make is the mobo to the Gigabyte EX58 UD3R, MSI has had a shaky past with mobo's recently.

If you won't OC then you don't need an aftermarket heatsink, just use the stock intel HSF. If you do get an aftermarket HSF, then get the DK version with the LGA 1366 adapter:

That PSU he suggested is very good, but you can get a better deal on a high quality PSU that will be plenty for your system:

You can go cheaper on the GPU, since the Sims is probably one of the least graphics required games out there, although the 4830 is a good deal for what you get out of it, your call:

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883113089 $779.99
Gateway LX6810-01 Core 2 Quad Q8200(2.33GHz) 8GB DDR2 640GB NVIDIA GeForce GT120 Windows Vista Home Premium 64-bit - Retail


Dec 24, 2008
This build I will suggest is going to be cheaper than the above builds, but won't perform quite as well (although still do quite decently for what you want)

PII 940 + Biostar mobo

2X G. Skill HK memory:

DVD Drive:

HDD: WD Caviar Black 1tb

Antec 300 case and EA500 PSU:

GPU: 4830

$698 after shipping and $25 MIR. So quite a bit cheaper than the other builds, however not quite as good, but by no means a slouch...you could use the extra cash to buy a nice new monitor, one for your sims game the other for your editing :)

For putting it on your TV, if you have an HDMI TV then you can use the adapter included with the GPU to put it on your TV, or there are DVI to the conventional TV input converters available as well at best buy or circuit city.


Mar 15, 2009
I just built a pc and got a good deal for the antec 300 and intel processors at microcenter. Antec 300 was 45 dollars and the Q9400 quad core was 180. They are selling the core i7 920 for 230 still too. So if you have a local microcenter try that out as you must go into the store to get those deals.


Feb 28, 2009
that 940 + biostar isn't really as good of a deal as it says because it marks the CPU at $225 but it is really $200 on newegg already (just pointing it out)


Mar 17, 2009
Thanks for your rapid responses guys it's been sort of hectic lately...

I like the CM690 case, but some reviews pin it as being cheaply made? Is this really the case or could those reviewers just not have the patience required to use it properly? ....

I've been able to free up additional funds so I can splurge a little bit. The builds recommended above are great and I'm going back and forth deciding, I have a bit of a problem making decisions. Ultimately as long as it works and works great I have no issues, I've replaced a rom or two and the hard drive once, but building from the ground up is new for me.

I like the 690 case because I am currently in California, and our summer weather is very brutal days see 100+ degrees, nights 80+ extreme weather for most computers. I had a couple questions...

A lot of people claim that the stock fan is obtrusively loud, what are your observations (I7 920)?

It's been said the I7 is a beast, would it be wise to get as many additional fans as possible? Or would it be OK with the basic stuff.

In addition to the internal Hard drive can you recommend any great externals? I heard WD is "good" but after an experience with a Maxtor I'm hesitant.

Finally, Vista or WinXp? I realize winxp only see's 3.5ish gigs of memory vs vista. But a lot of people have complained about Vista, is it really so horrible?

Thanks for your help! :)



Dec 24, 2008
First of all, the CM 690 is a quality case, I own it and am very happy with it. I have heard some people complain about some of the case fans being loud before...but mine are not, I think some people who got loud ones maybe got bad fans, but you can get a good quiet case fan for cheap, so it wouldn't be a big concern for me. My 690 is pretty quiet, and very roomy, and in your environment, the cooling of the 690 would be good if you cannot afford something like the CM Storm Sniper...

I think the intel stock fan is loud, but its not horrible...some people are just looking for things to complain about. If you have sensitive ears then go for the Xigmatek S1283v DK or something like that, otherwise just stick with the stock fan since you won't overclock.

The CM 690 comes with pretty good stock cooling, if you will just run it at stock then you shouldn't need more cooling. If you will overclock though and have 3 HDD's and maybe get another video card down the road, then you should invest in extra case fans.

Get Vista, all the horror stories of Vista come from Pre-service pack 1 days. With SP1 it is a great OS and I have no complaints. Get Vista Home Premium 64 bit.