Recommend me a ATX motherboard supported Pc case


Oct 2, 2014
Hi this is my build
Any recommended changes i should do besides the RAM? (I'll be needing those 16GB)

Im looking for a case that has mounting things for motherboard and will fit that cpu cooler (i think my cpu cooler is big) so yeahh or any cpu cooler recommendations that are powerful and bronze leveled?

Please also answer this question:
Lets say I order all this now will I need any other cables or accessories or should i be fine with everything that comes (other than the screwdriver :p)
It will be the same for the most part as an i5 and i7 are about equal in games but it might be like 5% better in some poorly optimized games like DayZ and RUST.


Oct 2, 2014
I heard that battlefield 4 runs 16gb ram on ultra so thats why i picked it, if i change it to it will i lose pc speed or performance?

And i dont really understand what overclocking means so i would say im not gonna use it???? Also can you send me a pcpartpicker 8gb ram link?
No BF4 does not need any more than 8gb RAM. People make stuff up all the time. This lie comes from a memory leak which used all available RAM about a year ago, but the game has been patched and not uses no more than 5-6gb.

If you are not overclocking, get a locked i5 (non-K), H97 motherboard, and drop the CPU cooler.
Increasing the CPU frequency to higher than stock. It is a hobby. It does not really get you much performance gains at all on a system like this. It also requires knowledge. You don't just press the overclock button. You need to set tons of settings and monitor things to make sure all is well. It will not always work and sometimes you will get crashes and freezes. Then you try again to get it stable. It is all a process. For some it is a hobby, for others, they would rather not mess with it.


Oct 2, 2014
Alright if you could please atleast edit a little of my PC build from the link here some things i want

I just want a PC that is fast at browsing the internet and no lag when watching videos on HD. Sometimes I do edits on videos just because its a hobby of mine and i really enjoy editing gameplay just for myself but sometimes if i really like it i upload to youtube.

Another think is gaming.
Ill be gaming almost all the time
Pretty much games like Minecraft, Battlefield, COD, Rust, DayZ, Arma 2,3, and Other steam games. looking for a hogh performance Intel pc gtx 980 and that will last and stay cool

Max price 1,600$
Yeah, but you do not need a CPU cooler because you will not be overclocking. The stock cooler is perfectly fine. If ANYTHING, get a Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO. It will perform better as the cooler you linked but costs less. Again, you have no use or need for an aftermarket cooler.