Question Recommendations on networking gear to extend range


Feb 5, 2010
Hello, I need help with my friends networking gear. They live in a 2 story house and the connection downstairs is very poor to the 2 bedrooms. Drilling holes or running long ethernet cables is out of the question. I was wondering if a powerline adapter along with a wireless router for downstairs would be the best bet. Or would a mesh system or a wifi extender be a better choice? If you have alternative solutions please post those as well.
Wired networking is always the best. So it's either wired ethernet or coaxial ethernet if bedroom got coaxial connection.

Everyone's home/environment is different. For all other methods (powerline/wifi) the reality is no one can tell you which one is the best until you test them. Just make sure you can return the products easily.

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Wired networking is always the best. So it's either wired ethernet or coaxial ethernet if bedroom got coaxial connection.

Everyone's home/environment is different. For all other methods (powerline/wifi) the reality is no one can tell you which one is the best until you test them. Just make sure you can return the products easily.

Start with ?
I was wondering if mesh was a solid contender but it's quite expensive. I agree wired is always better. We've decided to try a power line adapter. I appreciate your help and I apologize for the extremely late response.