Question Record/stream

AMD ryzen 7 2700x
2060 RTX
32 Gb Ram 3200
Is this system good enough to stream/ record?
My son is taking audio recording and does vid. So a bit different but we just built a 2700 on a B450 MoBo, RX 480 (8 GB) gpu, onlyh 16 GB Ram (3200). we just bench marked it without OC the RAM or GPU and it CineBench20'ed at 3440. He ran Observer at 60 fps all settings maxed and he said it ran solid. We had monitoring software running in the background. The RAM was running a slow native speed of (I think) 2400s. Will OC it later and hope for a 20% pop. The bottle neck for our system was the RX 580, but it is not tuned yet. May I recommend two SSDs or M2 drives? Running OS from the same drive you are writing too/from can be an issue.
My son is taking audio recording and does vid. So a bit different but we just built a 2700 on a B450 MoBo, RX 480 (8 GB) gpu, onlyh 16 GB Ram (3200). we just bench marked it without OC the RAM or GPU and it CineBench20'ed at 3440. He ran Observer at 60 fps all settings maxed and he said it ran solid. We had monitoring software running in the background. The RAM was running a slow native speed of (I think) 2400s. Will OC it later and hope for a 20% pop. The bottle neck for our system was the RX 580, but it is not tuned yet. May I recommend two SSDs or M2 drives? Running OS from the same drive you are writing too/from can be an issue.
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