[SOLVED] Red cpu light changes based on ram

Jan 29, 2021
I have an msi x570 a pro motherboard, a 5800x cpu and i had 4x4gb 3000mhz ram but i recently decided to upgrade to 2x16gb 3600mhz ram. The problem is, when i put the new ram in, my pc doesnt boot and the red cpu light turns on. When i switched back to the old ram, the red boot led turns on now. For some reason the new ram is causing the red cpu light to turn on and i cant seem to understand why. Can anybody help?
First, make sure you have the most recent stable BIOS version installed. I'd avoid any Beta BIOS versions unless they specifically address an issue you are having.

Make sure the DIMMs are installed in THESE two slots, to begin with.


And after correctly populating the DIMMs try doing a full reset of the CMOS BIOS settings by removing the CMOS battery for a few minutes.

BIOS Hard Reset procedure

Power off the unit, switch the PSU off and unplug the PSU cord from either the wall or the power supply.

Remove the motherboard CMOS battery for about three to five minutes. In some cases it may be necessary to remove the graphics card to access the CMOS battery.

During that...
First, make sure you have the most recent stable BIOS version installed. I'd avoid any Beta BIOS versions unless they specifically address an issue you are having.

Make sure the DIMMs are installed in THESE two slots, to begin with.


And after correctly populating the DIMMs try doing a full reset of the CMOS BIOS settings by removing the CMOS battery for a few minutes.

BIOS Hard Reset procedure

Power off the unit, switch the PSU off and unplug the PSU cord from either the wall or the power supply.

Remove the motherboard CMOS battery for about three to five minutes. In some cases it may be necessary to remove the graphics card to access the CMOS battery.

During that five minutes while the CMOS battery is out of the motherboard, press the power button on the case, continuously, for 15-30 seconds, in order to deplete any residual charge that might be present in the CMOS circuit. After the five minutes is up, reinstall the CMOS battery making sure to insert it with the correct side up just as it came out.

If you had to remove the graphics card you can now reinstall it, but remember to reconnect your power cables if there were any attached to it as well as your display cable.

Now, plug the power supply cable back in, switch the PSU back on and power up the system. It should display the POST screen and the options to enter CMOS/BIOS setup. Enter the bios setup program and reconfigure the boot settings for either the Windows boot manager or for legacy systems, the drive your OS is installed on if necessary.

Save settings and exit. If the system will POST and boot then you can move forward from there including going back into the bios and configuring any other custom settings you may need to configure such as Memory XMP, A-XMP or D.O.C.P profile settings, custom fan profile settings or other specific settings you may have previously had configured that were wiped out by resetting the CMOS.

In some cases it may be necessary when you go into the BIOS after a reset, to load the Optimal default or Default values and then save settings, to actually get the hardware tables to reset in the boot manager.

It is probably also worth mentioning that for anything that might require an attempt to DO a hard reset in the first place, IF the problem is related to a lack of video signal, it is a GOOD IDEA to try a different type of display as many systems will not work properly for some reason with displayport configurations. It is worth trying HDMI if you are having no display or lack of visual ability to enter the BIOS, or no signal messages.

Trying a different monitor as well, if possible, is also a good idea if there is a lack of display. It happens.
I have an msi x570 a pro motherboard, a 5800x cpu and i had 4x4gb 3000mhz ram but i recently decided to upgrade to 2x16gb 3600mhz ram. The problem is, when i put the new ram in, my pc doesnt boot and the red cpu light turns on. When i switched back to the old ram, the red boot led turns on now. For some reason the new ram is causing the red cpu light to turn on and i cant seem to understand why. Can anybody help?
So I just upgraded my Ram for this Motherboard as well (2nd attempt) and ran into the same issue and after tons of calls to friends and trouble shooting I got it fixed. First thing I did was I went back to the old ram and just put one stick in, plugged PSU back in and booted up. It prompted me that something had changed and press F1 to run setup or F2 to continue with default, PRESS F2. This should bring you to BIOS and you can just exit BIOS and the computer should boot. 2nd, turn off PC unplug PSU and enter 2nd stick of the original ram and test the boot up. If that works, then power down again and do the same thing with the new ram, start with one stick (if it prompts you to setup or default values use default), and if that works then put the 2nd stick in. NOTE: Even when everythings working the RED Motherboard lights do go on for a few seconds at the beginning so give it a few seconds before losing hope.

Hopefully this helps, im no professional but after a lot of frustration the above worked for me.