Question Red dram and cpu light on motherboard, HELP

Sep 14, 2019
Yesterday i build a new pc
Gigabyte B450 Aorus pro
Asus rog 2060 super
Adata ram 3200Mhz
Amd ryzen 5 3600x
650w corsair psu

All fans light up, machine runs, but no signal to screen, cant even go into bios..
Have tried change slots on ram, and go with 1 ram stick, but still no signal. Its steady red light on dram, but now and then it jumps over to cpu and quick back to dram on motherboard
Do you have the motherboard's User Guide/Manual?

The User Guide/Manual should explain what the steady red light(s) on dram and cpu may indicate.

If you do not have the User Guide/Manual then go online to the manufacturer's website and look for the applicable User Guide/Manual.

Be sure that the User Guide/Manual does indeed match your motherboard: model, version, etc..

Start by re-reading the User Guide/Manual, doublecheck that all installed components are: 1) supported by the motherboard, and 2) correctly installed and connected.

Read the fine print.

Make sure all connections and card seatings are fully and firmly in place.
Does your motherboard box have a Ryzen 3000 Ready sticker on it ?
If not then it has an older BIOS that does Not support your Ryzen 5 3600x and you will need an older AMD CPU to install to update the BIOS.
Or you can pay a local shop to update the BIOS.