Red led, then quickly switches to yellow led.

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Feb 24, 2018
Hi, I have just installed new PSU (EVGA g3 750w gold) and a new corsair h60. When I turn on my computer I get no image and on the motherboard a red led that quickly changes to yellow then stays on yellow.

Asus z270f
I5 6600k
16 g corsair ram
Asus Strix 1070
Samsung ssd
The yellow LED indicates a problem with your RAM. When you installed the new parts you may have loosed one of the RAM sticks. Press the RAM sticks down in their slots, at both ends and also clear the CMOS.
Good call on the ram the bottom of them was knocked loose. With my motherboard how do I clear the CMOS? I just watched a video and it said to put a little connector on these two pins however I don't have the connector nor the box my motherboard came in... Is there another way to clear CMOS? Or do I have to order a part? Orrrr....?
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