So I've been having problems with turning on my PC for a couple days and I thought it was just my PSU just being "funny" but today when I tried booting my PC it wouldn't boot and the red light was on
Could this be in any way or form the cpu or is it literally just my boot drive
Gigabyte Z390 UD
i7 9700k
Evga 2060 ko
Thermal take 500 w smart series PSU
Oloy 2600mhz 16 gig kit which was overclocked to 3000mhz I believe
The ram is what made me think my PSU was dying
I'm new at PC building so any help would be welcomed
The fans are moving and lighting up btw
Could this be in any way or form the cpu or is it literally just my boot drive
Gigabyte Z390 UD
i7 9700k
Evga 2060 ko
Thermal take 500 w smart series PSU
Oloy 2600mhz 16 gig kit which was overclocked to 3000mhz I believe
The ram is what made me think my PSU was dying
I'm new at PC building so any help would be welcomed
The fans are moving and lighting up btw