[SOLVED] Redragon Surara Pro Model K582-Pro keyboard software problem ?

Oct 1, 2021
So, I got the Model K582-Pro keyboard and I went to the official Redragon website (Redragonzone) for K582-Pro keyboard software. I downloaded the software and extracted it and there were two, the one at the top is a chinese software named "K582 Update Program" and below is "Redragon K582RGB", I didn't know anything about the "K582 Update Program" because it was chinese and I pressed the "K582 Update Program" there were two buttons the top one is a blue button and below is a green button I pressed the blue one after my RGB did not lit up and none of the keys are working and I pressed it again every key light again except the alt, FN, menu, control, and F12 won't lit up and every key won't type. I would be glad if someone helps.
See if this thread's post helps you out. I think what you did was update the firmware on the keyboard, which shouldn't have been done if you didn't know what you were doing. Might want to see if you can contact seller and RedDragon support to see if they can help you with the keyboard getting it out of being bricked(that's what it seems right now, that the keyboard is bricked).
See if this thread's post helps you out. I think what you did was update the firmware on the keyboard, which shouldn't have been done if you didn't know what you were doing. Might want to see if you can contact seller and RedDragon support to see if they can help you with the keyboard getting it out of being bricked(that's what it seems right now, that the keyboard is bricked).
See if this thread's post helps you out. I think what you did was update the firmware on the keyboard, which shouldn't have been done if you didn't know what you were doing. Might want to see if you can contact seller and RedDragon support to see if they can help you with the keyboard getting it out of being bricked(that's what it seems right now, that the keyboard is bricked).
Thanks for helping me out and giving me an idea that my keyboard might be bricked.