The GPU Priority will most likely increase the priority of the GPU for applications that go into the "game" cathegorie, this one is self explanatory.
How do i know that? Well... if you take a look at the last word in the registry directory...
Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Multimedia\SystemProfile\Tasks\Games
Then we got just "Priority" i am asuming this is the priority for the whole system, effectively modifing windows to set any application that belongs to the "game" cathegorie to be prioritised over other applications and/or processes.
Dosn't take a genious to make this conclusion.
I have learned nothing new about "Scheduling Category " and "SFIO Priority" since opening this thread.
I'm on a high end system, that will be enough information about my system.
The replys of this thread so far, i will not take as advice.
I came to find an explenation to what the above keys do, if you can't help me with that you don't need to comment anything, what you have said so far is not useful at all.
I do not expect these registry keys to have a massive impact, however since they must exist for a reason i do use them for a performance increase.
If you keep telling me to not touch these reg-keys then you must obviously know what they do, or else you are just randomly panicing telling me not to edit something while you don't even know what these reg-keys do, and that would be indeed sad. You cannot give someone else advice on what to do or not do if yourself doesn't even know what your'e talking about, that's nonsense.
I expected better from a hardware/software forum, time to ask my webbrowser again probably i will find an anser there before getting one here.