reinstalling windows 8 but no drives showing to pick from

Can you provide some more information.
What type of HDD, what type of motherboard. Do you have anything else plugged into the sata ports other than 1 HDD? Are you installing by CD or USB?

Does the HDD show up in the BIOS?


Got it, the SSD looks like just one plugged hard drive, as for the motherboard whatever originally that came with the laptop product number F9h60UA s/n cnd4061glk is there. I created an installation media from the Microsoft website stating Windows 8.1 downloaded into a USB thumb drive. I also tried to upgrade the 8 to a 10 and still all the operating systems that's provided in the Microsoft site doesn't include the full installation package which I did see later that they offered but that still didn't work. I tested the SSD in another HP which confirms it's not the laptop equipment because it's stating the same thing on the hard drive. Under bios it doesn't State any hard drive on the list. I actually created a case through HP and they're looking into it but if you have an immediate solution I'll be more than happy to take any advice. It's looking like all the information that I gathered is the full installation package would be best to install with operating system? I was going to try downloading the Windows 8 ISO file but I could only find Windows 7 / 8 and I'm not sure if that's correct that you need the seven first prior to going up to the 8th and then the 10 please advise.
With all my trial and errors with this reinstall, another problem arose from the experiments. Power button not turning on the laptop. It's really looking like the quick fix is to replace motherboard in another laptop like getting a new one. Never liked win 8.1 anyways and the latest win 10 is more user frirndly now to me than when they first started force feeding the win 10 OS. fresh start for me guys, thanks for the suggestions