Thankfully this thread hasn't devolved into an anti-religion, anti-christian, anti-western civilization diatribe like I thought it would. So, hopefully, with that said, my take on the OP's questions about the origins of religion will be welcomed.
mubin :
Some say smart and talent people created religion to make human fear of judgement day. So humanity can be restore and there will be balance in society.
I do not think that religion was purposefully and intentionally created by man to control society. I do believe that formalized religion and religious institutions have become a tool of corrupt men in efforts to seize power and control over the people.
mubin :
When smart people realize that human cannot survive without society and society needs balance, they made some reasonable rule and spread them in the name of Creator. So human will obey by fearing Creator.
Again, I do not believe that religion was created intentionally and purposefully by man to control society. I believe the rules/laws/morality offered by the ancient religions were a necessary step along the evolution of humanity. As man moved from isolated hunter-gatherer tribes wandering the wilderness into obtaining the knowledge (farming, domestication of animals, advanced tool making) to create permanent and sustainable settlements where tribes began to live together, they also brought with them the primitive beliefs of animism, idol worship, star worship which melded together to form a singular belief system they all could believe in.
mubin :
This modern world's human rights comes from religion. What do you think if there was no religion from the beginning?
If there was no religion, man would still develop a basic set of values to live by, the agreement among men of those values is what evolves into morality, a common sense of morality is necessary to form a cohesive and stable society. A formalized religion or religious institution is not necessary for man to develop and agree a common set of values and morality, i.e.; create society. As a result "human rights" would still exist but the human rights developed under a society without religion would have been created with a value system and morality completely foreign to us.
mubin :
Is it made by Creator by sending prophet or just a bedtime stories, like tooth fairy/ghost which doesn't exist, to fear human?
I believe that neither science or religion has the answer to creation of man or the creation of the universe. I do not believe in either evolution or creation. I believe that modern man (homo sapien) is a unique species that has independently developed on earth separate from all other species and contrary what evolutionists and creationists promote. I believe that those answers have long been lost to antiquity and it will take a millennium for science to discover or for religious men to become enlightened enough to discover the truth.
I also believe that man has been alive on this planet for a lot longer than science and fossil records indicate. Fossil records show the same species of dinosaur lived in South America and in Africa which proves that those continents were once connected. Records indicate that more than one life ending catastrophe has happened on this earth over the centuries. Records indicate that homo sapiens were alive and flourishing on earth before and after these catastrophic events. And, records also indicate that homo sapiens spawned from a common ancestor; which is proof of mans survival after these catastrophic events. So, if dinosaur fossils can prove tectonic plate movements, and if records show that man was a live before and after world wide life ending catastrophic events, it is a reasonable conclusion that man has successfully survived catastrophic event after catastrophic event and successfully survived the tectonic plate movements of this earth throughout the past several millions of years.
Religion is the result of our species unique enlarged frontal lobe. Religion is the reverence and adoration for the larger world that we live in. Religion is a natural extension of humans survival throughout the epochs on this planet. Religion is the physical manifestation of the common values and greater sense of morality passed along as an oral tradition propagated by hunter-gatherer tribes until man grew in population enough to necessitate permanent settlements and the creation of society. Religion is the recognition by man that there is a "larger something" in control of the world and universe that can not be explained but is known to be true because of our inherent connection to the world and universe.
It is because of the unexplained "larger something" is where we get into debate and argument about which belief is the "correct" belief, which prophet is the "correct" prophet, and which dogma is the "correct" dogma. And while factions of humanity argue and debate over their specific beliefs they ignore their commonality and singular belief in something larger and lose the beauty and wonder that binds us together.
One last edit...I am catholic. I believe that Jesus was the son of God embodied on earth to create a covenant of forgiveness for the sins of man. This covenant released man from the self-hatred and self-guilt that weighs on a persons mind at their moment of death. I believe his teachings and parables are examples to live by and if lived by will give a peaceful eternal sleep. These beliefs are a matter of faith. Faith is separate and distinct from intellectualism and rational thought. Faith and science are not mutually exclusive and can co-exist without contradiction.