Remedy Addresses Multiple Issues With 'Quantum Break' On PC

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Another lazy programmer team bought and paid for by consoles IF YOU CANNOT MAKE A GAME RIGHT FOR PC THEN DON'T MAKE IT. Stop with your lame bs excuses. ALL of you gaming programmers get off your high horses and do real work like what use to be done for PC's. I'm absolutely sick to death of this kind of acceptance and un-accountability for lazy programmers actions good way to stay out of the VR future consoles are not VR capable or worth a crap compared to the VR options for PC. VR is the future and if you cannot even program a regular 3D game how are you going to be able to do a good VR people will either get sick have seizures or even die from poorly optimized and programmed games. Then you will be sued period!!

I wouldn't put the entire blame on the developers, if you're looking to blame anything, blame the one consistent element that's wreaking PC gaming: UWA. Although one fat minus one for having to alt+f4 instead of menu > blah/stuff/words > exit game, and another for the 66% frame buffers (either lazy porting or API issues). Id rather have 1080p + FXAA or TAA if resources permitting, than 66%1080p + 4xMSAA.

Side/unrelated note: How come Universal (except for USB), is almost ALWAYS an oxymoron in the industry?
did they fix the whole "it's only on UWP" thing? because that's the thing that really needs fixing

UWP is a broken mess, and it's upsetting that they are testing it out like this. complete failure. porting console games to PC is not a good idea
This game is failure just like entire UWP. Nvidia must be laughing at Microsoft.
did they fix the whole "it's only on UWP" thing? because that's the thing that really needs fixing

UWP is a broken mess, and it's upsetting that they are testing it out like this. complete failure. porting console games to PC is not a good idea

Porting anything to the PC was never a good idea. We saw this way back in the day and we are still seeing it now.

But it is all about the money. Even if PC gamers just stop buying games to boycott this abysmal mess of failures, it will still not counter act the amount of people that are already on consoles and just eating up the games.

A good example.... Megajynx.... he would sacrifice quality for jaggy corners and a picture that looks 1995.

When Crysis 3 still looks better today than any new games coming out... that is an issue for me on how far we have come. What the hell happened? GREED... that is what.
Put it on steam and I'll buy it. Gfwl was so infuriatingly bad, I can't believe Microsoft managed something worse
This game is failure just like entire UWP. Nvidia must be laughing at Microsoft.
What does nVidia have to do with it? Serious question. I thought this was solely a MS/Windows issue. Did nVidia tell MS it was a terrible idea or something? Are AMD and Intel potentially laughing too, or is it just nVidia?
What in the chicken-fried F*** do they think they're doing? Honestly, this is suppose to appease those that shelled out $60 for this steaming pile of game? I guess PC gaming really is on it's way out, escorted by Microsoft no less.
Shame, I guess I just invested in my last upgrade.
From what I remember reading the redstone update should fix a lot of issues people have with UWP, but i am very confused on why microsoft would release it to the public in such a sorry state it was in. i really think they have no idea what the consumer wants anymore.

just look at microsoft edge. they built a browser from the ground up and it didnt include the ability to add extensions to it and we wont get that ability til this summer (6+ months after being revealed)
Don't blame the programmers, blame the board members who want the bigger bonuses this quarter and then move on to the next corp right away for the next big bonus. They're the ones pushing programmers to release alpha and beta as production.
This game is failure just like entire UWP. Nvidia must be laughing at Microsoft.
What does nVidia have to do with it? Serious question. I thought this was solely a MS/Windows issue. Did nVidia tell MS it was a terrible idea or something? Are AMD and Intel potentially laughing too, or is it just nVidia?

Nvidia is laughing because with the new generation of video card, their setup will be faster under Windows 7 / DX11 than AMD under Windows 10 / DX12 especially considering that in most times Crossfire or SLI won't even work under DX12. Microsoft is literally destroying gaming on PC by locking the platform with their exclusivity bullshit and they will never care about Crossfire or similar technologies. AMD must be really dumb.
Vulkan still has a very long way to go. DX11 is faster then Vulkan in every game Vulkan works in. However at this rate of DX12 doesn't use multi gpu LIKE IT'S SUPPOSE TO. Next they will say oh it isn't that low of an API after all it's just DX11.3 public won't know any better they are gullible idiots look I am gullible I actually believed DX12 would give some benefits to my 4 core 8 threaded 4790k and my igpu mixed with my R9 280x when in reality it just breaks and crashes the system and less fps so a big F YOU to Microsoft AGAIN if Microsoft was smart they would have made an exclusive Gaming OS for the PC gamers with a lot less resource use on spying and other crap analytic's, with a simple GUI for gaming kinda like Xbone but that will NEVER happen instead STEAMOS and Once Vulkan matures then we will have a real API that is actually Low level that allows a mix of all hardware to bring FPS and stability up untill then PC is stagnate and dying.

I agree. Windows 10 and DX12 which is more like DX 11.3 is waste of my time. I am sticking with Windows 7 and DX11 for a long time. I am more interested in Nvidia bringing more visual enhancements like in Tom Raider, performing and looking better than under DX12. It is quite sad, but MS is to be held accountable for. AMD is so pathetic with their DX11 drivers, of course they are promoting DX12 but they are being so dumb because at the end their Crossfire, Free Sync does not work, overall terrible experience.

F. MS. and Win10.
It took you 4 years to make this game and you never once even though of DUAL SLI? how cheap and lazy can you be. Hell DX12 even made it easier by creating a pipeline that schedules the jobs to the individual GPU's for you. As much as I hate DX (as opposed to OGL) that is some great tecnology just laid at your feet. This game is a joke for programming. The PC version actually hurt my future hopes of Windows gaming. Linux gaming I guess is all I have left to look forward to. This was a DIRECT port w/ the PC GUI TEAM doing 1 week of work...maybe....
"According to Remedy, the extra work required to support DirectX 12 multi-GPU configurations on the game’s engine “would have been significant and out of scope.”"

THe money they expect for this game is significant and buying it is out of scope.
I wish this game ran as well as Gears of War Ultimate Edition does. Lack of SLI support, with an inability to set manual SLI profiles due to UWA, are really frustrating.
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