Remote controls in homes...


Apr 16, 2023
I am remodelilng a nice 5th wheel travel trailer and would like to put remote controlled devices in it: heaters, a/c, tv's, movie screens, etc. I want to use one remote control for remote control to rule remote control to bind them...sorry, got distracted. I have not purchased anything yet. Can this be done? What do I look for?
My advice, 1st buy the universal remote,
further reading:

And then buy the hardware that is confirmed to work with that specific universal remote. This way, you can make sure that you have one remote to rule them all.

Though, i don't know if you can get all the hardware you want. Could be, that you end up with 2-3 remotes to control 5-6 devices. Also, signal mixing is another issue when using universal remote to control several devices (e.g same button functions on two different devices at the same time).

Another option is getting "smart" devices and connecting them all to wi-fi, where the control method is over wi-fi. This way, you won't get signal mixing but you can saturate wi-fi signal too much (e.g overload the bandwidth).
Not a specific product suggestion.

On the surface it seems convenient and neat.

But one ring can prove problematic.

Go for simplicity and a control system that you can easily fix and reconfigure with minimal need for spares, replacements, or planned obsolencence. Be it hardware, firmware, or software.

Do not know where all you plan to travel but the way things are (and Murphy's Law) it is likely that the overall control system could quickly go amiss. And getting something to fix things could be quite a hassle....

Keep it simple.

E.g. a wall button to lower and raise the movie screen. Basic thermostat for the a/c and heater.

No or minimal concerns with interference either.

Manufacturer's are moving towards website device management.... You may or may not be able to avoid that.

Just my thoughts on the matter.