Question Remove all traces of OneDrive ?


Dec 31, 2007
I recently reinstalled win10 onto a PC I was planning on selling. I used the media creation tool from microsoft. Most unfortunately, the install decided to ship all my documents, pictures, music & videos folders to /username/onedrive/. Even though there is no trace of OneDrive that I can find one the unit, the folder exists and the stupid double broad arrow shows up on all the file icons. Since I never have nor never will set up any computer to automatically log in to any microsoft or other off premises third-party site, I need to get rid of these defaults. I tried doing the regedit trick but the entry it references doesn't exist. What option do I have? My other two machines don't have the bug, I mean, feature.
Files in your Library folders are usually not linked to the system. You can change the location in File Explorer by right-clicking every library, selecting properties, and then in the Location tab you have the option to move to a different location. Your files will be moved accordingly and nothing should break.
What does this have to do with OneDrive?
disable onedrive sync in windows settings?

unlink onedrive, then hide it from explorer
disable where in windows settings? Doing a search returns zilch. Onedrive was never linked and I don't log into mictosoft to use my computers.
"Open OneDrive settings (select the OneDrive cloud icon in your notification area, and then select the OneDrive Help and Settings icon then Settings.)" Doesn't exist.

"Windows 10
  1. Select the Start button, type Programs in the search box, and then select Add or remove programs in the list of results.
  2. Under Apps & features, find and select Microsoft OneDrive, and then select Uninstall. If you're prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation."
Doesn't exist.