Florida sure can be bad lol, I got a lot of family from there.. the family I try not to keep in touch with xD
Only nice thing about florida is white beaches and hot women on them :3
I'll have a side dish of florida white sands to go, hold the hurricanes plz.
Florida (Naples/Bonita/Estero) is a great place to visit. To 'live' down here is another story. So many people from 'big' cities come down here and leave after 6 months. There are no jobs. No corporate/enterprise entities here. I basically 'had' to move here for extreme/dreadful immediate family issuesl. Very few computer jobs.
Daytraded penny stocks for a year or so. Opened up an ameritrade account with $30K or so. Eventually I was offered a 'computer' job - the company was located on Sanibel Island. They wanted to pay me less than what I made on my very first computer job - hired as a software trainer at General Dynamics. 2 months prior, after never even turning a computer on before, I spent every day teaching myself everything there was to know on one of the original Microsoft Office Suite packages. I went down to radio shack and bought the cheapest PC (Trashiba, Toshiba whatever) I could find. This is when computers did not have hard drives. Microsoft Word had about 32 floppies. You were constantly being prompted to put in disk # whatever, based on what task (printing/saving/etc.) you wanted to do. My point is, I made more money with NO experience, NO formal training, etc. This was DECADEs ago. To add insult to injury, this Sanibel computer company did not pay for any health benefits. Can you imagine people with my background/stature after over achieving goals, dreams, not a care in the world - money meant nothing - made so much I never really thought about it - average monthly american xpress bill was $1,500. Never more than a side thought. After moving down here, living in one of the high end developments in Estero, got divorced which led to foreclosure which obviously led to bankruptcy which led to deep dark states of mind. The rental market has virtually dried up here - so, so many people like me have, through no fault of their own, got foreclosed on. Now people like me are working at Target, making submarine sandwiches for $8/hr. maximum 32 hrs a week with no benefits. Believe me, I know. I was offered this exact same job. I would have lived in my car before I took that job. Sorry for babbling - taking a break from computer work at the office. Been here since 2:00 yesterday afternoon. Went home this morning to feed cats/change clothes. Probably be here for at least another 12 hrs. This is the price I am willing/eager to pay to 'get out of Dodge'.