removing progs from system tray



Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.customize (More info?)

How do I keep programs from being loaded on my desktop? ARG!!!!
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.customize (More info?)

In news:XcPRd.3667$6O3.3591@fe07.lga,
}}}Seska Vedek{{{ <> had this to say:

> How do I keep programs from being loaded on my desktop? ARG!!!!

I'm not entirely certain what you mean but I think that you mean how can you
stop processes from starting with Windows? I hope that's what you're after
anyhow 'cause that's the question I'm answering.

Beats MSCONFIG and it's free. Use it to DISABLE (not DELETE) entries at
first. Delete them only after you're certain that you didn't break anything.
When you do break something rebootand start pounding on the F8 key until
something cool happens and use the last known good configuration option.


"My mind rebels at stagnation. Give me problems, give me work, give me
the most abstruse cryptogram or the most intricate analysis, and I am
in my own proper atmosphere. I can dispense then with artificial
stimulants. But I abhor the dull routine of existence. I crave for
mental exaltation." -- Sherlock Holmes
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.customize (More info?)

Yup! I should have explained that these are the programs xp loads and puts
in the tray at the right bottom of the screen.. I am off to check out that
file. Thanx
"Galen" <> wrote in message
> In news:XcPRd.3667$6O3.3591@fe07.lga,
> }}}Seska Vedek{{{ <> had this to say:
>> How do I keep programs from being loaded on my desktop? ARG!!!!
> I'm not entirely certain what you mean but I think that you mean how can
> you
> stop processes from starting with Windows? I hope that's what you're after
> anyhow 'cause that's the question I'm answering.
> Beats MSCONFIG and it's free. Use it to DISABLE (not DELETE) entries at
> first. Delete them only after you're certain that you didn't break
> anything.
> When you do break something rebootand start pounding on the F8 key until
> something cool happens and use the last known good configuration option.
> Galen
> --
> "My mind rebels at stagnation. Give me problems, give me work, give me
> the most abstruse cryptogram or the most intricate analysis, and I am
> in my own proper atmosphere. I can dispense then with artificial
> stimulants. But I abhor the dull routine of existence. I crave for
> mental exaltation." -- Sherlock Holmes
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.customize (More info?)

In news:3xQRd.3702$8V4.326@fe07.lga,
}}}Seska Vedek{{{ <> had this to say:

> Yup! I should have explained that these are the programs xp loads and
> puts in the tray at the right bottom of the screen.. I am off to
> check out that file. Thanx

No problem. It will work as advertized.


"My mind rebels at stagnation. Give me problems, give me work, give me
the most abstruse cryptogram or the most intricate analysis, and I am
in my own proper atmosphere. I can dispense then with artificial
stimulants. But I abhor the dull routine of existence. I crave for
mental exaltation." -- Sherlock Holmes
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.customize (More info?)

In news:3xQRd.3702$8V4.326@fe07.lga,
}}}Seska Vedek{{{ <> typed:

> Yup! I should have explained that these are the programs xp loads and
> puts in the tray at the right bottom of the screen.. I am off to
> check out that file. Thanx

On each program you don't want to start automatically, check its Options to
see if it has the choice not to start. Many can easily and best be stopped
that way. If that doesn't work, run MSCONFIG from the Start | Run line, and
on the Startup tab, uncheck the programs you don't want to start

However, if I were you, I wouldn't do this just for the purpose of running
the minimum number of programs. Despite what many people tell you, you
should be concerned, not with how many of these programs you run, but which.
Some of them can hurt performance severely, but others have no effect on

Don't just stop programs from running willy-nilly. What you should do is
determine what each program is, what its value is to you, and what the cost
in performance is of its running all the time. You can get more information
about these with at If you can't find
it there, try google searches and ask about specifics here.

Once you have that information, you can make an intelligent informed
decision about what you want to keep and what you want to get rid of.

Ken Blake, Microsoft MVP Shell/User
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