Rep. Devin Nunes Introduces Bill To Expand Surveillance Powers

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"The surveillance could be approved for individuals who don’t actually act on behalf of foreign powers, but could unknowingly be aiding or abetting “international malicious cyber activity.” "

So, does this mean that a person whose computer is infected with ransomware from out of the country could become a target? Whatever happened to "innocent until proven guilty"?
This sounds expensive, big government. If NSA has the power to surveil Americans who might be indirectly helping foreign powers, does that mean it has the responsibility to do so and must do so? Will NSA adminstrators be fired whenever the NSA misses an inside agent that helps a foreign power? Must NSA spy 24/7 on anyone doing business with a foreign power, to avoid that blame? Must NSA surveil developers making deals that benefit foreign powers, such as trying to help Canada build an oil pipeline to Texas? Even if that help is political? (Consequently, if NSA has the intel, contractors might leak the helpers' deals and deeds to competitors on Wall Street or on the ballot. Or blackmail or corrupt them.)
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