Question Repair laptop and wait for RTX 5000's or just buy a computer with the new RTX 4070 TI Super / 4080 Super.

Jan 13, 2024
Hi guys,

So i got a gaming laptop right with a RTX 2070, so yes not a true 2070.
The laptop is 4 years old and is starting to show problems and isn't performing to the level i would like (Examples lower in the text). The battery has just died on me and i'm thinking about a repair.
But the fact is i don't know if it's worth to do so.

Since the laptop's age is quite high to what the websites "max 5 years lifetimes for a gaming laptop " says at least and i use my laptop very intensively for gaming multiple hours a day.
So that's why I am expecting maybe some other components to also give up on me soon maybe.

So thats why i'm in a pickle, as well as if i should then repair the laptop and hope that it lasts till the RTX 5000's or if i should just cut the rope and buy an actual computer with a 4070TI super that will be released end of the month.
But i don't know if it's worth for the near future with the people saying the 4000's are all bad (not 4090) and rumors being 5000's GPUs will have a 30-40% boosted performance compared to them and that they would be released Q4 2024/Q1 2025.

The laptop is also not running the games i play so good anymore, for example i play The Finals a lot and i barely get 70 FPS with DLSS and everything on the lowest setting. So that plays a part.

So short: Should i repair the laptop and wait for the RTX 5000's or just buy the 4070 Ti super that will be released, the others are a bit above my budget unless people say the 4080 super is REALLY worth the extra cash. A 4090 isn't in my budget.


"repair" only counts if the thing is actually broken.

If it still works, but is just not meeting new expectations, there is no "repair".
Maybe this is a software issue, but it is not hardware.
Search the make/model and see if you can find a disassembly guide to assist you in cleaning the fans and cooling solution. Do that. Get the desktop as well if you desire. Use both, as gaming laptops should be run from the mains anyways. You can also replace the battery, if a factory (or reputable third party) is available.