Question Replacement for Logitech T400

Apr 7, 2019
My old logitech T400 finally kicked the bucket yesterday. I want to replace it with something similar. I don't want a scroll wheel and the "new" t400 prices on ebay and amazon are insane. Id be willing to get a "new" t400 for around 30 bucks or so. but not the over 60 and in someplaces over 100 bucks. I know this was a basic mouse but i loved the feel and the touch scroll and the the grooved sides. it was the best mouse i ever had in 22 years of computing.and it last at least 5 years and probably a billion clicks on it. it takes a serious amount of pressure just to click now. i tried cleaning it out and scraping the sides but i still can't get it to click right anymore. I am worried that i won't find an adequate replacement that will feel the same in my big hands.