Approximate Purchase Date: e.g.: Within a week or two
Budget Range: 600 to 900
System Usage from Most to Least Important: Gaming (minecraft, overwatch, wow ect)
Are you buying a monitor: Yes
Parts to Upgrade: Need a full build
Do you need to buy OS: Yes
Preferred Website(s) for Parts: Newegg only
Location: City, State/Region, Country - California USA
Parts Preferences: Intel and Geforce preferred
Overclocking: No
SLI or Crossfire: No
Your Monitor Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Additional Comments: This is replacing a 6 year old laptop, it could handle World of Warcraft on medium and Overwatch on Low, as well as Minecraft decently. Would like to have one that can run these specific games on medium to high, within the budget constraints.
And Most Importantly, Why Are You Upgrading: Power supply overheated and melted the charging port and the laptop will no longer turn on, so it's time to look into PC gaming and a more upgrade in the future type of thing.
Budget Range: 600 to 900
System Usage from Most to Least Important: Gaming (minecraft, overwatch, wow ect)
Are you buying a monitor: Yes
Parts to Upgrade: Need a full build
Do you need to buy OS: Yes
Preferred Website(s) for Parts: Newegg only
Location: City, State/Region, Country - California USA
Parts Preferences: Intel and Geforce preferred
Overclocking: No
SLI or Crossfire: No
Your Monitor Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Additional Comments: This is replacing a 6 year old laptop, it could handle World of Warcraft on medium and Overwatch on Low, as well as Minecraft decently. Would like to have one that can run these specific games on medium to high, within the budget constraints.
And Most Importantly, Why Are You Upgrading: Power supply overheated and melted the charging port and the laptop will no longer turn on, so it's time to look into PC gaming and a more upgrade in the future type of thing.