Replacing mobo do I have to reinstall windows?


Jun 7, 2014
So I'm replacing my motherboard with the exact same model and was wondering if I could get away with not reinstalling windows 8 (OEM). I know you would have to if the motherboard was a new model but do you have to if it's exactly the same?
If it is the identical motherboard then you'll probably get away with it, unless it has a different firmware/BIOS version which might cause problems. You'll soon know if it's worked as your PC will bluescreen every time you try to boot it (personal experience).
Hardware-wise, it should be OK since Windows doesn't need to look for new hardware. The OEM part, Microsoft *may* be wondering if you are trying to install the same license on 2+ machines. Try it, and if complaints, call MS and tell them, hey, my old computer crab out, am replacing... can you reset my license.

Thanks, also I've just seen the ASrock PRO 3 is quite a bit cheaper and I can get next day delivery free whereas the the PRO 4 model (current dead board) is more expensive and it would take a week to arrive. Does this change anything or could I still get away with it? Pretty sure it's the same just a couple of better features on the pro4.

It's a risk I'm willing to take, can't wait any longer to play frikin gta v

Risk or not....if it doesn't work, then where are you?
Prepare for a full reinstall.

Is it a simple process and does it take long? Never done it before..

Do you have the install media and license key?
Is this a preinstalled OS, or something you bought and installed?
What OS is it?
Why are you changing the motherboard with the same make/model?
Yeh I have both the disk and the license key
I bought it and installed it
Windows 8.1
Well I was going to change it with the same model as I heard it didn't require a fresh install of windows

Any why are you changing? Is there a problem with the existing motherboard?
If it is identical, it should boot. You'll probably have to reactivate, but the phone robot is pretty painless. Takes maybe 5 minutes.