changleeyang Distinguished Apr 9, 2014 16 0 18,510 Jul 27, 2020 #1 Hi, my PC's power on led is not working rest all is fine. I want to buy a new led to replace the old one but I don't know which kind of LED to buy... I mean a DC one or an AC one. Please help 😣
Hi, my PC's power on led is not working rest all is fine. I want to buy a new led to replace the old one but I don't know which kind of LED to buy... I mean a DC one or an AC one. Please help 😣
madmatt30 Titan Ambassador Jan 1, 2013 24,571 647 91,240 Jul 27, 2020 #2 12v DC is what you need. Reactions: changleeyang Upvote 0 Downvote