Replacing the fan on a GF3 Ti500?


May 29, 2003
Is this even possible? I was having problems in games where the screen would grey out or freeze up completely. I had throught it was a driver issue or a hardware conflict of some sort (new build), but after removing the video card, which was smoking hot (but still worked for the most part), I discovered that the fan was not moving freely, and didnt spin while powered up. I know the card is still good, but I need to replace the fan before I give it any more serious work. I've tried to remove the fan/heatsink assembly from it, but it's either secured on there really well, or it's stuck. Is this something I should be able to replace? I can pick up a 3rd party fan if I can get that old heatsink off of there.


Mar 10, 2003
I would imagine that it is possible to remove the old one and put on a new one...sometimes they are stuck pretty tight though. Mine (on a Ti4200) just fell off when I removed the clips...

Here is one that says it works with the Ti500, only 19.99, just make sure you use some compound, it probably comes with some generic stuff that should be okay unless you are crazy overclocking.

<A HREF="" target="_new"></A>

Here is another (same site)

<A HREF="" target="_new"></A>

<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by spitoon on 12/10/03 10:25 PM.</EM></FONT></P>