Report: Apple Chief Had Liver Transplant

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Jan 22, 2009
I wonder if it was gold plated?

I agree with you Bunz, but there are some people that treat him like a prophet or religious figure.


Feb 16, 2009
Hopefully, Apple's stock value will stop being indexed on that man's life expectancy. I hope he recovers, and I also hope Apple investors stop being so dramatic about his influence on the company's value. Sure he is a good CEO and a great spokesperson, but I am sure Apple can find someone else to tell a horde of entranced fans that some two-year old technology is so incredibly awesome and new that no one else could have come up with it before another billion years.



It's worth noting that any type of transplant requires a lifetime of medication to supress one's immune system to prevent the organ from being rejected by the recipients body... Whenever Steve Jobs retires or dies, let's hope all of these giddy investors yank their money out of Apple immediately and cause it to collapse. Then, the computing world can move forward without the distraction of this freak show known as Apple.


Feb 16, 2009
[citation][nom]OMG I LOOOOOVe Apple[/nom]Then, the computing world can move forward without the distraction of this freak show known as Apple.[/citation]

Whatever you think about Apple and the people who buy Apple products, Apple provides some measure of competition to Microsoft, which is invaluable. Imagine a world where Intel is the sole cpu manufacturer (Netburst every year: awesome), where Microsoft occupies 99% of the non-free OS market (willing to pay $300 for Windows?) and where nVidia is the only GPU manufacturer (and you'd pay twice the current amount for your discrete graphics card).
I have never bought an Apple computer, but I am happy they exist. I am thankful for that segment of the population that buys Macs for their perceived benefits. They have one function: Keeping Microsoft in line.


Dec 2, 2008
I wonder if Steve Jobs died if they would either not tell people and just say he's working from home or something or find a look alike of him and pretend he's alive. If he died Apple would go bye bye because the people there (and apple fanboys) wouldn't know what to do with themselves. So they would have to pretend he's alive, it would be the biggest conspiracy of the 21st century.


Oct 7, 2008
Really? I wonder how many people while I read that pointless crap from thirst? I know this is a tech site, and I understand that he has a high-profile, but come on, at least wait for him to die before you waste my time with such nonsense... Errr, then again I chose to read it... Hmmm.

The Schnoz

Sep 17, 2008
[citation][nom]Bunz_of_Steel[/nom]Who stinkin cares? is the THG or Peoples magazine? wow what makes it here sometimes amazes me.[/citation]
You're an idiot. Whether you love Apple or hate Apple, they are still a driving force in the computer industry and the health of one of the most influential pioneers and innovators of the tech industry is more than welcome in a tech news site. The rumors don't belong here, but this is a legitimate story.


sstym: You've missed the point by a mile. We don't need Apple, period... Why not promote the free OS vs non-free rather than promoting the most un-free OS ever as competition? CPU competition is great(and different in this case), AMD are the good guys fighting the good battle, even if they don't dominate the market. I'd love to see them overtake Intel, but I wouldn't like them to have a monopoly either... Apple is everything I hate about Microsoft, times 100. OSX is far behind Windows and Linux, they aren't providing anybody any competition, it's just a big scam...

*hugs Phenom II 940 box running Linux*


How is OSX behind linux? It is running from the same base.
How is OSX behind windows? I use both in my work (3D Animator) and find that OSX has usually had most features first (not all of course, but a lot) and more often than not, they are the useful ones that stop me going crazy. Like the way OSX will keep copying the rest of the files in the background while waiting for you to 'okay' a question on copying one of the files. I'm not a fanboy of any system, but apple is solid competition for microsoft and a lot of the reasons windows 7 is looking solid is because of pressure from apple.


OSX steals from the Open Source community, and then rebadge it as their own, they're like just another mid-level amateur Linux distro, with the benefit of having a few(very few) hardware vendors onboard to write drivers for them. Pretty much every multimedia application on the planet runs far worse on OSX than Windows, the only thing Apple knows how to do is stifle competition. Emagic used to make Logic for Mac and PC until Apple bought them, then they eliminated the PC version(despite the fact that it sold more copies than the Mac version), just for the sake of forcing audio production people to buy a Mac. They also have that deal with Digidesign to not allow the "real" versions of Protools to have hardware compatibility with PC(M-powered does not count, I mean the HD/etc... hardware). Any company that charges such ridiculous prices for a product, and relies on shady, dishonest marketing to sell it is a scam, period, end of discussion...


Oct 28, 2008
Wow, a liver transplant within four months...average wait time for a liver is one year, little longer for the California (lots of bad livers in Cali). Amazing how he was able to get a liver in Tennessee ahead of who knows how many people. Maybe some apple fanboy sacrificed themselves for their messiah?
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