[citation][nom]Yoder54[/nom]And someone else is a Windows Kiss-ass Fanboi...I own both. My Windows machine provides me with 50X more problems than the Mac.[/citation]
Yeah, I get that a lot from some of my clients. The probably, as I suspect is true in your case, lies between the keyboard and the chair.
[citation]I have had one problem in six months with my MacBook Pro, and have only booted it once. The problem was the result of installing some antiquated software.[/citation]
Apple's stuff is completely controlled by the them (hardware and software). They don't have to worry about hardware configurations that might cause unforeseen conflicts. This has obvious advantages, but the trade off is that it is more expensive and far more limited in configuration.
[citation]Windows...hah...blue screens, memory freezes, etc. Start comparing part for part, and you will see that Apple is priced the same or less than comparable Win boxes.[/citation]
You're high! There is no comparing "part for part" because I can order a part from Newegg, another part from Tiger Direct, and achieve a result that will be vastly cheaper than the preconfigured machine you get from Apple.
[citation]They boot far faster than a Window machine, they have superior graphics...[/citation]
"Not no more, Billy" Sorry, chuckles, but the days of Mac ruling the roost in the graphics department are long gone. It's all Nvidia and Radeon now; and the problem with Apple is that it takes them a while to catch up to the latest technology. The best you can do is quad-Nvidia GeForce 120s or a single Radeon HD 4870. How do you think that will stack up against an Nvidia Geforce GTX 295 OC? How about against today's SBM with triple Radeon HD 4890s? And don't even get me started on the Radeon HD 5870s.
[citation]XP never looked so good since using it on a Mac, never had a memory crash, or any type of malware or virus attack...unlike my Win box. Get your facts together and then talk...you are just blowing hot-air and are ignorant about the facts...are you a Republican?[/citation]
What does politics have to do with it? There are plenty of hypocritical, uninformed blowhards on both sides of the aisle. Are you aware that Rush Limbaugh is a huge Apple fan? Something you might want to consider the next time you decide to flame someone in such a supercilious fashion.