Another impressive tablet to launch this week is the Pipo M7 Pro ($255) that for about the same price as the Nexus 7 II, features a much larger 8.9 inch display with 1900x1200 screen resolution, a Quad core processor, along with built-in GPS navigation... and is packed with other features and the latest technology that compares to the new Nexus -- there's also an 8" model similar to the mini iPad that became available last week– the Pipo U8 ($195) that's almost as compact in size as the Nexus 7", but features 65% more screen space in its 8-inch form, which truly makes a difference in user experience... both new Android tablets are available through a site called T ab l e t S p r i n t-- which also offers $25 in Bonus Apps, including an Office Suite App and several premium 3D Games, including the popular Shadowgun --