What the hell do people do to their drives? I have a bunch of drives from Seagate, WD and Samsung, none are younger than 4 years, all have spent their lives in external USB enclosures running 16 hours a day minimum, and all are just fine. I've never had a HDD fail except for a couple of WDs many years back. I suspect that the drives in this survey were laptop drives, and if that's the case then it doesn't mean much as laptops get treated in vastly different ways. You might expect that treatment to average out across brands, but if you have a bunch of one particular drive from, say, a govt dept where they were all treated well (laptops just sat on desks for their entire lives) then that would skew the numbers towards that brand.
The author seems to not understand what he is writing about, he kept talking about "hours amassed", "hours totalled", "accumulated" etc, but all of those hour numbers were averages, not totals. Only once did he mention average lifespan. Same goes for the bad sectors, it wasn't clear if they were average bad sectors per drive or total across all drives. If the latter, then the numbers are meaningless, they needed to be an average for each drive.
Tech writers really seem to be unskilled and unknowledgable nowadays, too many kids straight out of school who think they are tech wizzes, and editors don't seem to know the difference.
The author seems to not understand what he is writing about, he kept talking about "hours amassed", "hours totalled", "accumulated" etc, but all of those hour numbers were averages, not totals. Only once did he mention average lifespan. Same goes for the bad sectors, it wasn't clear if they were average bad sectors per drive or total across all drives. If the latter, then the numbers are meaningless, they needed to be an average for each drive.
Tech writers really seem to be unskilled and unknowledgable nowadays, too many kids straight out of school who think they are tech wizzes, and editors don't seem to know the difference.