Report: Nvidia Making Dual-GK110 Graphics Card

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dual GPU card is a waste of time. Most people who can afford a dual GPU card already have a motherboard that can support SLI/crossfire @ PCIE full speed. 2 cards are faster.

People who want to build a small powerful HTPC is one of the smallest market.

So it really doesnt make sense at all.
It will definitely be interesting to see what both camps have in store for Q1 2014. Though I would much rather see the 20nm dies in Q2 2014 then this silly numbers game - higher number, it must be "gooder" - especially from nVidia; as they can easily stay competitive with their 700 series line, as AMD's new line of cards (from what I have read so far) is mainly focusing on increased power efficiency and less on increasing performance - though I'm sure there will be some of that too.
800 series already? I don't know if I want to be mad at nVidia or happy. One the ones side it just seems ridiculous to release so soon after you released a new series. This will probably slow sales of your 700 series and piss off people who just bought this series. But on the other hand I like seeing a company that will introduce a new prodcut (even if on the same technology) that improves on the previous even if it was just released. That kind of shows they actually care about having the best product instead of just trying to milk as much as they cand from a generation of cards.


Mini-ITX and Micro ATX has had an explosive growth in the past two years, especially because of the Prodigy case. I have two friends working etail here in Norway and both of them said the BitFenix Prodigy was the most sold case since last summer, and that mini-ITX motherboards had a boom in august - december last year. Reason I asked them about this is because I have a Prodigy myself by the way. And so does one of them.

I think ATX and up is mostly going to just keep dwindling now, SLi / Xfire adds so little that even bleeding edge enthusiasts are tempted by smaller form factors.

Interesting to see people complain about the 800 series, when the 700 series cards are mostly overclocked 600 series cards. Except the 780, which costs $$$
Interested to see if the GTX 790 will have twice cores of GTX 780 or somewhat less like 3456 ( GTX 760x2 = GTX 780 , so made it that way ) I would love a GTX 785 with 3456 CUDA Core , GTX 790 with 4608 CUDA Cores and something above. Then the GTX 785 will probably be the best choice for at a 800-850 tag for reference. Would be shell shocked if the GTX 790 will have 4608 cores and still be under 1000 as the GK 110 chip anyways will need better cooling and a tough PCB.
"TSMC won't be ready for 20 nm lithography until June 2014"
TSMC themselves have said that they are ahead on volume shipment on 20 nm. They will have revenue shipping of 20 nm Q4 2013.

The fact that TSMC have installed 20nm ahead of time is because of they have a huge revenue customer. Journalists think its Qualcomm/AMD and/or Nvidia. I personally believe its Apple. Apple have an insane need of wafers. They need about 80K wafer starts per month! That is a complete line 24/7.

I love how tech-press just writes stuff without basic source checking.

More of a rumour: Maxwell drivers have been in OSX since June 2013. Logically this means that Nvidia have samples of Maxwell. Its hard writing drivers without silicon. This fit exactly with TSMC/normal tapeout times. With no bugs we will see retail products 6 months after first silicon. Each respin to the silicon ads 3 weeks. Usually a new Nvidia chip needs 2 respins. And if Nvidia is "crazy", they could order risk wafers like they did with the first Fermi. This would deduct 3 month of developing time.
"dual GPU card is a waste of time. Most people who can afford a dual GPU card already have a motherboard that can support SLI/crossfire @ PCIE full speed. 2 cards are faster.

People who want to build a small powerful HTPC is one of the smallest market.

So it really doesnt make sense at all."

1) Space
2) dual cards have better cooling
3) Usually a bit cheaper then 2 single cards
4) Upgradability: Add another dual card
5) Convenience. Just add 1 card instead of 2.

There are a ton of reason why someone would want a dual card.
Whats funny is how far ahead the PC in resolution is compared to consoles. Yet the PC games are given less resources then the consoles. I suspect that the PC gamers are subsidizing the consoles. The development here is slow and lazy.
I wish they would make dual GPU cards in the mid-range. Throw two 760's on one chip, and sell it at a reasonable price. Or two 7870's on one card. That would be awesome
I know what Ultra stamp brings on GPUs ... ultra hot running temp.

It's not viable right now because there is decent step in from mid to high end.
Nvidia should stop all development on graphics cards until they get their current drivers working properly. 326.80 solved my 36 hour glitch, but now I'm getting BSOD at least once a day.

First, these are beta drivers. What game are you getting a BSOD with? Did you contact Nvidia?

I haven't had any issues with my 780s.

Have you tried backing out to prod release drivers (320.49)?
Ya the 7 series was a huge let down. I ended up purchasing another gtx680 off ebay for $200. I blame AMD because Nvidia had no drive. Gtx titan and gtx780 were mid and lower end cards such as gtx670 and gtx660. The ultra was to be the gtx680ish high end card of the 700 series. But AMD didnt release shit. So we got Refresh and overpriced s***
Im with DarkSable... my 670 is still maxing out almost every game graphically. If I was going to blow $1000+ I'd be putting it toward some cool night vision goggles or a new rifle or something else that I could get way more use out of for the next 2 or 3 years than a video card that's overpowered for the market its in.

With the stable release drivers, my GTX 780 had the 36 hour glitch, so I was forced to restart every 24 hours.

The BSOD happens randomly. Sometimes under load, sometimes at idle. I did not have this issue before the installation of their beta drivers.

This is the kind of crap you should never have to deal with from such an expensive card.
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