Report: SSDs Rapidly Dropping in Price

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[citation][nom]waxdart[/nom]Of course the price is dropping. I just bought one![/citation]
some advice, dont go entering articles or looking at deals involving ANY tech youve recently bought. youll be much happier this way.
Well it won't be a waste of space if they fill up that 3.5" with more capacity. 2-3 TB SSD? of course a 256 GB SSD would be a waste of space if it's in 3.5" when they can do that in 2.5" Only use the 3.5" if you can't fit anymore chips in the 2.5"
[citation][nom]slabbo[/nom]Well it won't be a waste of space if they fill up that 3.5" with more capacity. 2-3 TB SSD? of course a 256 GB SSD would be a waste of space if it's in 3.5" when they can do that in 2.5" Only use the 3.5" if you can't fit anymore chips in the 2.5"[/citation]

OCZ has such a drive and it's 4TB (link to it is a few comments above this one). However, it's probably got a cost in the tens of thousands of dollars.
Planning on getting me another one (or two) when they drop in price around christmas. I was hesitated to buy one, but then I got some on sale. These things are great, quick load times, no stutter in games, lightning fast startup. Generally just a more enveloping experience. One of the best bang for the buck upgrades, even at todays prices.
[citation][nom]akopp21[/nom]How would a 3.5" drive containing the same parts as a 2.5" drive be any less wasteful than a 2.5" drive?[/citation]

Maybe not less wasteful of resources in the drive itself (for a given capacity) but there'd be no need to additionally purchase brackets to fit a 2.5" drive into a 3.5" slot.

Of course the more that case manufacturers provide 2.5" bays then the fewer of these "Ryan Air"esque additional charges have to be paid.
SSD's make a big difference. Not just loading the OS. I got into a server so fast in BF3 and was capturing the flags in conquest domination before anyone else that the admin had to kill me to allow people to join before i captured all 3 flags before anyone else got into the match =D Yeah there fast, way faster then a mechanical drive.
Well the way you have to look at 3.5 inch drives compared to 2.5 inch drives is, if the density per platter on a 2.5 inch disc was applied to a disk 3.5 inches in diameter and the rotational speed was increased so the outer edge of the 3.5 inch disc was spinning enough, then per platter a 3.5 inch drive would way out perform a 2.5 inch drive by a long shot, and you are not waisting space for extra cases around all those additional 1.5inch drives reducing cost and putting in denser storage media in the same space.

That would be a fair price, perhaps even less since HDDs costs $0.07 per GB -- there will a point that SSDs will be as cheap as memory ram that once were expensive.
[citation][nom]jn77[/nom]Well the way you have to look at 3.5 inch drives compared to 2.5 inch drives is, if the density per platter on a 2.5 inch disc was applied to a disk 3.5 inches in diameter and the rotational speed was increased so the outer edge of the 3.5 inch disc was spinning enough, then per platter a 3.5 inch drive would way out perform a 2.5 inch drive by a long shot, and you are not waisting space for extra cases around all those additional 1.5inch drives reducing cost and putting in denser storage media in the same space.[/citation]

For high RPM, smaller disks can spin faster, so that's a moot point. Furthermore, some form factors can't fit 3.5" drives (IE many blade servers, like I said earlier) because there's simply not enough room. The smaller drives are also more energy efficient.
[citation][nom]DRosencraft[/nom]There is no point in a 3.5" form factor. They can fit plenty of chips in the 2.5" size for added capacity. 3.5" on mechanical drives was primarily for accommodating larger platters for larger capacity. That's not an issue for SSDs, so to save manufacturing cost there's no need to make both 2.5" and 3.5" form factors. The server world mainly isn't switching because for them the price to make up the storage space of mechanical drives is huge. They'll have to switch eventually, and when they do they'll upgrade the racks at the same time. I would not consider this to be the biggest issue for them.[/citation]
since SSD's still have pathetic capacities then I'd have to disagree
[citation][nom]jemm[/nom]That would be a fair price, perhaps even less since HDDs costs $0.07 per GB -- there will a point that SSDs will be as cheap as memory ram that once were expensive.[/citation]
still too expensive at that price

people are just begging to be wallet raped and then saying 'thank you' afterwards
[citation][nom]ramicio[/nom]Where is a 3.5" form factor? The server world still hasn't made 2.5" mainstream because 2.5" drives are for laptops. A 2.5" drive in a 3.5" bay is just a waste of space.[/citation]

Well, for 10 bucks you can get a 3.5 inch drive bay adapter that will hold 2 of them. A pair of 256 gig in a RAID would be pretty nice.
[citation][nom]L0tus[/nom]Great news! But for a few microseconds off my loading times they're still not cheap enough =[[/citation]
It's more like over a minute of boot time and makes loading other files and application almost instantaneous.
[citation][nom]monkeymonk[/nom]It's more like over a minute of boot time and makes loading other files and application almost instantaneous.[/citation]
I'm betting the overwhelming majority of the people on this side who bitch about SSD prices in every single article are high school kids that are just pissed off that they can't afford it on their allowance. They have to belittle the benefits of the SSD, because it's something they can't have.

The fact that an SSD is literally a magical "Your computer never stutters again" upgrade, they still refuse to believe that it's worth the modest price.
It still seems like a luxury to have an SSD. The only reason why I see myself getting one is to remove some stress off the mechanical hard drive, but then again I can get a Momentus XT.

I mean, you get faster loading times (sometimes dramatic), woop-de-do. I'm just speaking my mind, so feel free to downvote.
[citation][nom]willard[/nom]I'm betting the overwhelming majority of the people on this side who bitch about SSD prices in every single article are high school kids [/citation]

What an audacious stereotype. Imho you seem closer then the latter age group, you do know that people are struggling in the world economy, right? Even $60 for another drive is a far cry for some people.
[citation][nom]m1n3kraft[/nom]What an audacious stereotype. Imho you seem closer then the latter age group, you do know that people are struggling in the world economy, right? Even $60 for another drive is a far cry for some people.[/citation]

The last sentence of that first paragraph of willard's post may still apply in that case. Being unable to afford something is one thing, but whining/trolling about it online is another.

[citation][nom]cumi2k4[/nom]$0.48/GB?? where i'm living, the cheapest one i can get is $0.83/GB...dammitguess i have to push back my buying schedule (again)[/citation]

If you don't mind, where do you live that there are no SSDs around the $0.50/GB mark available to you?
[citation][nom]ipwn3r456[/nom]Hope I can see some 256GB SSDs within $100-$150 range... Then I will get one.[/citation]
I've seen a few 256Gb SSD's for around $160 already.
Me waiting for the Samsung 840 Pro too! Their finest SSD. Maybe the prices for Samsung 840 would drop by mid next year, so that I could replace my Intel 520 SSD by then. *hehe*
I have started using SSDs with the Intel X-25M G2 80GB SSD which I put into my laptop (and still running it there). I just can't imagine going back to a HDD, it's so addictive... :)
[citation][nom]m1n3kraft[/nom]What an audacious stereotype. Imho you seem closer then the latter age group[/citation]
You may want to look up the definition of the word stereotype, because you're using it wrong. The word you're looking for is generalization. And no, I graduated from high school ten years ago. I'd love to see your logic behind this, though. Making an observation that people consistently whining about price likely fall into a demographic that has a highly restricted cash flow and a propensity to whine does not in any logical way lead to "well, the guy who said that must be a broke high school student." I could post a CPU-z validation of my computer with $900 in video hardware if you like, because I can't think of any other way to show that I'm not some broke high school kid.

you do know that people are struggling in the world economy, right? Even $60 for another drive is a far cry for some people.
For people with minimum wage jobs, maybe. I'm not saying everyone should buy an SSD, I'm saying people who constantly bitch about the price and attack the usefulness of SSDs are likely just expressing anger at their inability to afford one, and that the most likely demographic for these people is high school student. There are certainly some who fall outside this demographic, but I never claimed all of them were, just most.

I'm guessing the family who's struggling to make end's meat, working two jobs and supporting several children aren't all that worried about SSDs, and aren't going to waste their time bitching on the internet about how they can't make their computer faster.
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