gamerk316 :
Interesting article...let me share some noteworthy quotes though...
In the vast majority of states, the presidential candidate who wins receives all of that state’s electoral votes. The proposed changes would instead apportion electoral votes by congressional district
Hmm, seems more like a true democracy to me, after all if a democracy is defined as, "a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system." then it stands to reason that having the electoral votes apportioned by Congressional level is putting the power into the People's hands to ensure the politicians they freely elected are accurately representing them in Congress. Personally, I am not in favor of "winner takes all" apportionment, I'd much prefer it be broken down to the Congressional level, hence more closely to the People actually doing the voting, and therefore more reflective of the democratic process.
(Reince Priebus) said Thursday: “For these states, it would make them more competitive, but it’s not our call to tell them how to apportion their votes.”
Are Democrats afraid of more competition? Are Democrats afraid of the electoral apportionment being more reflective of the People who actually do the voting? It seems to me that the true issue here is an ignorance of population shift between 2000 and 2010, the State level redistricting process, and how our democracy works and not so much a Republican conspiracy to steal elections. It seems to me the issue here is the hypocrisy of progressives and Democrats of being all for "one voice one vote" when it goes in their favor and not so much the Republicans wanting to apportion the electoral votes so it more closely aligns to how the People vote within their community.It seems to me that if the Democrats are really for "one voice one vote" they would support any action that puts the power of the vote back to the People.
The bill’s sponsor, state Sen. Charles W. Carrico Sr., said he wants to give smaller communities a bigger voice. “The last election, constituents were concerned that it didn’t matter what they did, that more densely populated areas were going to outvote them,” he said. “This is coming to me from not just my Republican constituents,” added Carrico...“I want to be a voice for a region that feels they have no reason to come to the polls.”
Sounds like a Congressman who actually cares that ALL the votes of ALL the People in his District are fairly counted and accounted for. Are Democrats against ensuring that the votes of one person carries the same weight as the next?
gamerk316 :
And notice the states they are focusing on: Michigan, Virginia, Florida, and Ohio: Reliably Democratic states where the majority of congressional districts have been broken up in such a way where the vast majority are safe Republican. Had this system been in place in 2012, guess what? Romney wins a landslide election!
In short: Republicans essentially want to move to a Parliamentary Democracy, where the Presidential election is basically a re-hash of the House elections.
I am not entirely surprised at the progressive reaction to making a national issue out of what essentially a State level issue. There is
no national Republican cabal to remove Democrats from the electoral process or disenfranchise those who vote for Democrats. Any claim of gerrymandering is an ignorance of the State level redistricting process. It is a State's right, as written in the Constitution, to redistrict how they see fit; this is fact and can not be disputed. It is also fact that redistricting was left to the State's, and closer to the People, so the party in control was representative of the People who voted them into the majority.
As I explained in another thread where there were claims of Republican gerrymandering, the redistricting laws in New Jersey favor the incumbent party. So, in Municipalities where the People vote for more Republicans, the Congressional District favors Republicans, and conversely, in Municipalities where the People vote for more Democrats, the Congressional Districts favor Democrats. Do you get that, the Districts are representative of how the People vote for; no gerrymandering, no conspiracy, no vote stealing by one party or the other. It is the law and the redistricting process.
Here's two things to consider, 1) what the Republicans are proposing is not "rigging the system" or gerrymandering. IT IS THE SYSTEM! 2) living in New Jersey (which is a "Blue" state) we get ignored when it comes to the presidential campaign. Neither Obama or Romney visited New Jersey once! It is a given that NJ will go Democrat in the electoral college, therefore no politician feels the need to campaign for my vote. But, it is the winner take all approach that has lead to 40 States, like New jersey, being ignored by both parties during the entire campaign, because one party or another take it for granted they will win that State. If New Jersey apportioned electoral votes by Congressional District (like Republicans are proposing) then I might actually get to see a Presidential candidate stump in New Jersey and as a conservative in New Jersey, I might actually feel like my vote counts!
gamerk316 :
And what WILL come of this, is Democrats will push for Federal oversight of the voting system, probably pushing a national ID and a uniform voting standard, and the states will probably have a giant hissy fit as a result.
HAHAHA! Oh man, that's just funny. Please do not be selectively ignorant. The fact that it was Democrats who opposed standardized Federal oversight and screamed bloody murder when Republicans proposed Voter ID laws in the November 2012 election. Ironically, Democrats had no problem with allowing the United Nations to oversee the 2012 elections and had no problems overseeing the voting process in Democrat controlled areas, but no way in Hades did they want Republicans overseeing the vote in a Republican District!
Fact is, if the Democrat reaction to this flimsy claim of Republican vote stealing was uniform voting standards, Voter ID, and bi-partisan Federal oversight, I would call every Republican Representative in Congress solely for the purpose of making Democrats actually proposing such legislation. And, if you believe Democrats would actually push for that legislation, I've got some land to sell you!