Requiring suggestion regarding backup storage device

Abhishek Bohra

May 30, 2014
I had 1 TB memory in my laptop but now i am running out of space. I want to back up my things in some secondary storage device. Pen Drives are too small(storage capacity),Portable harddisks are expensive so is there any other device in which i can backup my things(1 TB approx)?
I am not looking for portability but capacity should be large(3 or 5TB), it should be easy to use and R/W speed should be fast. TIA
Hey there, Abhishek Bohra!

@PassMark made a pretty good point! Usually external drives are actually one of the less expensive solutions for backup storage devices. Another advantage that they have is the speed, which unlike cloud storage, DVDs/BluRays, etc. offer better data transfer rates. Just make sure you look for USB 3.0-compatible externals as they would provide the fast speed that you want.
Another pro of the externals is the fact that there are some, which incorporate backup software applications and once you install the external together with the application on your computer, you would be able to backup all your data immediately after every connection to that system.

Hope I was helpful. Let us know if you have more questions! :)