News Researchers snoop data from air-gapped PC's RAM sticks by monitoring EM radiation from 23 feet away

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23' isn't limited range much, being 7 m. Still very close to nuclear munition example; I'm having second thoughts about running guest VM on my hypersonic armada (necessarily 'very close' on a frequent basis altitude aside, right?)
The signals are so weak that they won't easily pass through a nearby wall, meaning that one must be in the same room which renders such snooping moot. This doesn't even require minimal tempest hardening (a simple aluminum screen material on or in the wall and grounded will kill the signal dead).
this might work against home users cases with alot of glass open spaces , but will not work against standard business or workstation or server machines , the case cover itself works like a faraday cage.
espionage agencies have time and again proven their skill of infiltrating even the most secure places to place data-gathering devices.
You find someone in debt, an alcoholic, drug-user, someone wanting a friend at a church or invite them to social situations. Train them a little bit, obviously and don't tell them anything. Or certain bloodlines that do not pay taxes and are celebrity or political families. They have younger relatives that will learn what to do or to become managers. Everyone went to school with their nieces and nephews, children or cousins. Scientologists and the entertainment industries, western or non-western have done it for a long time. Some really enjoy participating and have reasons why they do it. The agencies are a little more efficient. It's wrong when they have targeted civilians.

this might work against home users cases with alot of glass open spaces , but will not work against standard business or workstation or server machines , the case cover itself works like a faraday cage.

Is this a trend with how homes and condos or commercial spaces are intentionally designed? How about passing inspections with public infrastructure? Open space concepts are nice sometimes. Cutting costs and raising prices or materials also works.
In regard of similar articles

Could my data be stolen throuh the charger cord aswell?

Would brick walls, windows etc., prevent the "hacker device" from receiving the crucial RF-signals from the targeted system?

Those mentioned devices that can hack air-gapped systems, are they easily available to the average hacker?

Could a not-jailbroken Iphone be hacked, and used as the RF-receiver?

What measurements can I implement, to make sure my air-gapped system doesn't get hacked?

All the mentioned methods of hacking an air-gapped system, is it NSA-level or something the average hacker could do?

Thank you
In regard of similar articles

Could my data be stolen throuh the charger cord aswell?

Would brick walls, windows etc., prevent the "hacker device" from receiving the crucial RF-signals from the targeted system?

Those mentioned devices that can hack air-gapped systems, are they easily available to the average hacker?

Could a not-jailbroken Iphone be hacked, and used as the RF-receiver?

What measurements can I implement, to make sure my air-gapped system doesn't get hacked?

All the mentioned methods of hacking an air-gapped system, is it NSA-level or something the average hacker could do?

Thank you
5. This requires malware to be installed and running

6. This is NOT an 'average hacker' thing. No one is going to be sitting in your driveway, or the apartment next door, snooping your data.
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. This is NOT an 'average hacker' thing. No one is going to be sitting in your driveway, or the apartment next door, snooping your data.
Maybe not this exact method the story outlines but this IS what I had to deal with and yes people do go to these same MO's the only thing you missed was the jumping over the block wall to get in my back yard.

When I think about how easy it would have been to put malware on my computer if I went to the bathroom and never noticed as this person would have been back on the couch and I would have not even thought twice.

If this below average hacker had the knowledge or information the method in this story It would have been used.

Most likely will not happen to 99.9% of people but never dismiss that 1%
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These exploits require that there be at least one person with physical access to get the ball rolling. If someone has that access then the exploit isn't needed in the first place.
Physical access so to install malware on the targeted system?

What about the method with SATA-cables, does it also require physical access to the targeted system first, for it to work?
5. This requires malware to be installed and running
All the methods to hack air-gapped systems, do they all require malware on the targeted system to work?
Also the one with SATA-cables?

What about:
Could my data be stolen throuh the charger cord aswell?

Could a not-jailbroken iPhone be hacked, and used as receiver of the different kind of signals mentioned in the articles?
That the targeted persons iPhone could be hacked, and then used as the receiver, and then the hacked iPhone forward the signal to the hacker – sounds almost impossible.
“Here’s the real twist: that receiving device can be nothing more than an ordinary smartphone running the attacker’s decoder software.”
“Defenders need to be aware that ordinary smart phones can be turned into spy tools.”
Or is this purely theoretical?

Thank you
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