Reset Wifi Adapter Constantly

Oct 8, 2018

Reset Wifi Adapter Constantly

My Wifi is driving me insane, for the past 2 months my home PC wifi has been disconnecting, PC is in the same place it was before this issue started.
I have to Runn Windows Network Diagnostics and get the message the default gateway is not available (Fixed).

It's also not the WiFi card as I brought a wireless USB Netgear and have the same issues.

Sometimes I get 2 hours of internet before this happens, other times could be 2 minutes.

I've tried the following but no luck:

Turning off Power Management under Devices
Downloading new drivers from Intel Website
Reseting Router
Reset the Wi-Fi AutoConfig service
Turning off McAfee (which I always find strange when suggested, how am I supposed to protect pc lol)

I do not get much time as we have two babies under two, which is why this has taken me so long to test, usually I'm good at Googling and figuring out this stuff, but this time I'm stumpped.

Please help!! I mean it please :) , #PCSTRESS #FML #GIVEUP #OverToThePros

"It's also not the WiFi card as I brought a wireless USB Netgear and have the same issues."

Two thoughts:

1) Try using a USB extension cable to move the USB adapter up and away from its current USB port.

2) Feel the USB adapter after the system has been shut down for a few hours. Boot and work as normal. Every few minutes carefully feel the USB adapter. Determine if it is getting warm, hot, and even hotter. (Key word - carefully.)

The adapters are made very cheaply and can get quite hot. I have had a couple fail in that manner.

Congrats on the babies. Time with them should always be the priority.

Hi thank you for the suggestion, I've tried moving the usb adapter but still dropping out. Also I tried disconnecting the USB adapter and using the internal card but still drops out. Any other suggestions you can think of?

i tried everything from HP and the Internet in general. In the end, I had to reinstall windows 10 clean for it to be stable. then I just added a better usb one and mainly use that. but that was my notebook experience buying a new HP

if it's dropping out, how is the signal strength showing? maybe you need better router or a repeater? If you have a pc there are pcie wifi cards that are just stellar and have three antenna
Log into your router and look at the router's logs provided that logs are available and enabled. Look for errors and warnings there. In the case that logs are available and not enabled, enable them and work as normal.

Another option is to look at Reliability History on your computer. Again looking for error codes and warnings. Easily noted as red and yellow icons.

Information icons can be helpful as well. Something taking place that you did not even know about.

Resource Monitor may also note some event or situation occurring at the time of the dropouts.

Key is to identify the problem and that can take both time and effort.

And a late question: are any other devices having drop out problems or other wireless problems?

In the router there is an option to run a test, which tells me The device has low signal strength, please move it closer to to the hub.

The thing is I've had the same router and pc for over 2 years and it used to be fine, I wonder if something could be interfering with the signal. I cant move my desktop pc closer, I did try a wifi booster but it really slowed down the internet speed, I think before I had 70 to 100 MBPS with the booster it was down to around 5MBPS so I didnt really test it for long.
Agree with Peter Martin.

In addition, now knowing about "low signal strength", do you have any baby monitors installed? If so baby monitors can interfere with network wireless.

You may need to change the network's wireless band and/or channels.