Reset Wifi Adapter Constantly
My Wifi is driving me insane, for the past 2 months my home PC wifi has been disconnecting, PC is in the same place it was before this issue started.
I have to Runn Windows Network Diagnostics and get the message the default gateway is not available (Fixed).
It's also not the WiFi card as I brought a wireless USB Netgear and have the same issues.
Sometimes I get 2 hours of internet before this happens, other times could be 2 minutes.
I've tried the following but no luck:
Turning off Power Management under Devices
Downloading new drivers from Intel Website
Reseting Router
Reset the Wi-Fi AutoConfig service
Turning off McAfee (which I always find strange when suggested, how am I supposed to protect pc lol)
I do not get much time as we have two babies under two, which is why this has taken me so long to test, usually I'm good at Googling and figuring out this stuff, but this time I'm stumpped.
Please help!! I mean it please
Reset Wifi Adapter Constantly
My Wifi is driving me insane, for the past 2 months my home PC wifi has been disconnecting, PC is in the same place it was before this issue started.
I have to Runn Windows Network Diagnostics and get the message the default gateway is not available (Fixed).
It's also not the WiFi card as I brought a wireless USB Netgear and have the same issues.
Sometimes I get 2 hours of internet before this happens, other times could be 2 minutes.
I've tried the following but no luck:
Turning off Power Management under Devices
Downloading new drivers from Intel Website
Reseting Router
Reset the Wi-Fi AutoConfig service
Turning off McAfee (which I always find strange when suggested, how am I supposed to protect pc lol)
I do not get much time as we have two babies under two, which is why this has taken me so long to test, usually I'm good at Googling and figuring out this stuff, but this time I'm stumpped.
Please help!! I mean it please