[citation][nom]koss64[/nom]I ran the benchmark on a core 2 quad 3.0ghz,8gb ddr800,2gb saphire 4870 ,1tb machine on windows vista x64.I ran with all the bells and whistles(including vsync)at 1440x900(19in lcd) . All scenes except the 2nd ran at 70-80fps.The 2nd scene which has alot of containers and a small backlot(real small) has issues i cant think of why that would chuck down to 40 and as low as 20 fps.Still on looking at the quality of all i saw im pretty sure my little AMD64x25600+,4gb ram, 1gb saphirre 4670 machine will die laughing as it tries to run this beast.I can definatly see where the specs are needed,not sure bout the 2gb though, youll prolly need 3-4.[/citation]
i dont think your AMD would have a problem if you didn't turn AA and Anisotropic all the way up. I have a Triple Core AMD with a 3870 with 4GB running in Win 7 at a res. of 1920 x 1200 and the framerate is above 30fps.