Resident Evil 7 4k screen tearing


May 10, 2014
So i get obnoxious screen tearing usually during boss fights or intense sequences my system specs are

I7 5930k (4.2 ghz)

Gtx 1080



Asus PB27Q monitor

I've tried turning shadow cache off, switching to borderless window (however this creates lag), adaptive v-sync in NVIDIA Panel. But yeah the game runs smooth af but it's just the screen tearing that's annoying. Anybody know what the problem could be?

Here's another example. Game looks nearly IDENTICAL but performance is cut in HALF (about 90FPS vs 45FPS average). Not only that, but I had to drop a few settings at 2560x1440 (I have a GTX1080 too) or some areas would drop below 60FPS.

When I drop below 60FPS in GTA5 (60Hz monitor like you) I get really bad JUDDER or quick STUTTER. Not often but when it happens it's annoying.

I solved this mostly by:
1) turning on ADAPTIVE VSYNC (screen tear now instead of stutter during those drops below 60FPS), and

2) changed a few settings that had minor visual impact but raise FPS a bit (or rather the drops below 60FPS since I'm capped at 60FPS). I changed:
- MSAA to 2x
- MSAA...
Screen tear is caused if you have VSYNC OFF (always occurs but may not be obvious), or Adaptive VSYNC (but fall below the FPS cap i.e. 60FPS for 60Hz monitor... in other words VSYNC is toggled on and off as needed).

If it was obvious before you turned on Adaptive VSYNC I guess you had VSYNC OFF already but the screen tear wasn't as obvious.

*My recommendation is drop the game settings to minimize drops below 60FPS since it's likely a 60Hz monitor. You can just keep Adaptive VSYNC ON because usually the screen tear (that should be rare if you tweak things a bit better) is preferable to the STUTTER you get when VSYNC is ON but you can't keep up.

**If you have 4K resolution set then the obvious choice is to drop to 2560x1440. Otherwise EXPERIMENT.,7.html

Not sure what resolution you are at, but it averages 93FPS on a GTX1080 with the CPU they chose. There are likely DROPS below 60FPS at times.

4K gets HALF the FPS but probably looks nearly IDENTICAL visually.

*If on STEAM you can turn on the FPS counter as it's small and non-intrusive. I put in my lower-left of screen. If it's not on Steam then use FRAPS.

If using VSYNC of any kind you should see the FPS go no higher than 60FPS.

In case you aren't aware, you can set either NVidia Control Panel or the MONITOR itself to scale by "ASPECT". In your case it probably doesn't matter so I'd just do it on the monitor.

So if you set 2560x1440 then that's what the GPU sends, then the monitor scales that up properly.

DPI scaling should likely be 150%.

Some programs may have purple tinge or blurred text. You may have to mess around with Cleartype to find the best compromise between programs with these issues and the other programs. I had three different programs open and it took me about FIFTEEN MINUTES to sort that out but you may not even have programs with this issue (mostly older ones).


May 10, 2014

Aight i'll look into it more just to clarify im running at 3840 X 2160
You mean the DESKTOP resolution or the game?

DESKTOP should be set to 3840x2160, however very few games should be run at this resolution because they rarely justify the FPS drop for the visual benefit.

In fact, many games are nearly IMPOSSIBLE to tell the difference between 4K and 2560x1440.

So to confirm, you SHOULD have:
a) monitor set to scale by ASPECT
b) Desktop set to 3840x2160
c) DPI Scaling set to 150% (or whatever you find best), and maybe find a ZOOM addon for your browser so it defaults to closer to 200% (CTRL + Scroll manually sizes pages though)

d) Most GAMES set to 2560x1440


May 10, 2014

Here's another example. Game looks nearly IDENTICAL but performance is cut in HALF (about 90FPS vs 45FPS average). Not only that, but I had to drop a few settings at 2560x1440 (I have a GTX1080 too) or some areas would drop below 60FPS.

When I drop below 60FPS in GTA5 (60Hz monitor like you) I get really bad JUDDER or quick STUTTER. Not often but when it happens it's annoying.

I solved this mostly by:
1) turning on ADAPTIVE VSYNC (screen tear now instead of stutter during those drops below 60FPS), and

2) changed a few settings that had minor visual impact but raise FPS a bit (or rather the drops below 60FPS since I'm capped at 60FPS). I changed:
- MSAA to 2x
- MSAA reflective? (to 4x)
- shadows/reflecting to HIGH not ultra
- tessellation off

That's vaguely what I remember, but if I had done MAX SETTINGS at 4K I'd be having periodic drops below 30FPS and either have constant JUDDER/STUTTER if VSYNC was left ON or else constant screen tearing if VSYNC was OFF.

*Always, always set the GOAL for game tweaking of VSYNC On/Off, Adaptive VSYNC or other then tweak to MEET that goal. Never, ever blindly set to 4K or whatever and hope for the best. Not ideal.

If you set to 4K and have a rock solid (VSYNC ON) 60FPS experience that's a different story, though even then I'd drop to 2560x1440 if you have a hard time telling the visual difference since your system fans (GPU especially) will be quieter.